27th Annual Meeting

Thursday, 2 July 2015

8:30 AM-10:00 AM

Author Meets Critics: "The New Normal: Finding a Balance Between Individual Rights and the Common Good" By Amitai Etzioni (Transaction Publishers 2014)
A: Communitarian Ideals and Civil Society

Critics: Jieren Hu, Tongji University; Sebastian Kohl, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies; Julia Eva Morley, London School of Economics; Atilano Pena, University of A Coruña
Book Author: Amitai Etzioni, GW University
Session Organizer: José A. Ruiz San Roman, Universidad Complutense Madrid

Brazilian Industrial Policy in the 21st Century: Achievements, Challenges and Shortcomings
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Discussant: Ben Schneider, MIT
Session Organizers: Yuri Kasahara, Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research; Antonio Botelho, Iuperj / UCAM

Policy-Entrepreneurship or Policy-Opportunism? the Diffusion of Local Content Requirements in Brazilian Industrial Policy
Yuri Kasahara, Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research; Antonio Botelho, Iuperj / UCAM
Brazilianization with Foreign Ownership: Oil Nationalism or New Policy?
Helge Ryggvik, Centre for Technology, Innovation, and Culture - University of Oslo

The New Spirit of Global Capitalism and the Culture of Neoliberalism in Asia
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizer: Hyun-Chin Lim, Seoul National University

Neo-Confucian Ethics Thesis Reconsidered: Explaining Capitalist Dynamism in Asia
Hyun-Chin Lim, Seoul National University; Suk-man Hwang, Changwon National University; Kyusook Um, Kyunghee Cyber University
The Culture of Global Capitalism: A Case of Korean Wave
Jonghoe Yang, Sungkyunkwan University

Gender, Family/Work Arrangements, Working Time and Retention
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, University of Quebec-Teluq

The Work of the Commercial Flight Crew in Air Transportation: Constraints of Working Times and Gender
Anne Gillet, CNAM, Lise-CNRS; Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, University of Quebec-Teluq
What Impacts on Women's Working Time? Individual Factors and Beyond
Angelika Kuemmerling, University of Duisburg-Essen / Institute for Work, Skills and Training (IAQ); Dominik Postels, University of Duisburg-Essen / Institute for Work, Skills and Training (IAQ)
From Career Women to Working Mothers. New Inequalities in Family/Work Arrangements for Italian Lawyers.
Annalisa Tonarelli, Department of Political and Social Sciences; Franca Alacevich, Department of Political and Social Sciences

Gender, Wages and Pay Issues Part 1
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, University of Quebec-Teluq

How Families Constrain and Facilitate Low-Wage Working Women's Pursuit of Higher Education
Francine Meryl Deutsch, Mount Holyoke College; Sarah Joseph, Mount Holyoke College; Madison Richards, Mount Holyoke College
Contested Values: The Gendering of Body Work and the Undervaluation of Women's Labour
Rachel Lara Cohen, City University London; Carol Wolkowitz, University of Warwick

Inequality, Democracy and the Firm
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Isabelle Ferreras, University of Louvain/FNRS; Sanjay Pinto, Cornell Worker Institute

Employee ownership in Britain
Andrew Pendleton, University of Durham; Andrew Robinson, University of Leeds
Comparing Worker Ownership and Control Across Countries
Isabelle Ferreras, University of Louvain/FNRS; Sanjay Pinto, Cornell Worker Institute

Strategies for Trade Union Renewal and Union Democracy
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

The Workers United? Preference Formation of European-Level Trade Union Organizations on the Freedom of Services
Martin Seeliger, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies; Ines Wagner, University of Duisburg-Essen
Conglomerate Unions and Union Democracy
Adrien Thomas, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research

Time-Use, Entrepreneurship, and MNEs
F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

Session Organizers: Christopher Williams, Durham University Business School; Wendelien van Eerde, Amsterdam Business School

A Time-Use Perspective on Entrepreneurial Initiatives in the Multinational Corporation
Christopher Williams, Durham University Business School; Wendelien van Eerde, Amsterdam Business School
Internal and External TIE Complementarity: Implications for Subsidiary Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets
Nathan Lupton, Fordham University; Christopher Williams, Durham University Business School

Demographic Change and Employment
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Katharina Jaik, University of Zurich / Chair of Prof. Uschi Backes-Gellner

Demographic Change, Labour Market and Social Policies. Singularities of Southern Europe
Renata Semenza, University of Milan; Roberto Impicciatore, University of Milan
Germany: Older Workers on the Rise?
Martin Dietz, Institute for Employment Research (IAB); Christopher Osiander, Institute for Employment Research (IAB); Thomas Kruppe, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
A Bridge Employment for All? Looking at Retired Health-Care Workers of the Province of Quebec
Marie-Eve Dufour, Laval University; Tania Saba, University of Montreal

Education to Work Transitions
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Sudheer Gupta, Simon Fraser University

Turbulent Transitions from School to Work in Canada
Michael R. Smith, McGill University; Laurence Lessard-Phillips, University of Manchester
Shooting for the Stars and Failing: The Effect of College Dropout on Self-Esteem
Peter Hoeschler, University of Zurich; Uschi Backes-Gellner, University of Zurich
Early Childhood Education and Development: A Meta-Analysis
Thomas van Huizen, Utrecht University; Janneke Plantenga, Utrecht University

Flexible and Precarious Work 1
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Kyle Albert, Cornell University

Short-Time Work: The Ultimate Flexicurity Tool or Just a Springboard to Unemployment?
Dimitris Pavlopoulos, VU University Amsterdam; Katja Chkalova, Statistics Netherlands; Ton van Maanen, Statistics Netherlands
Precarious Work and the Degradation of the British Labour Market
Damian Grimshaw, Manchester Business School; David Holman, Manchester Business School; Arjan Keizer, University of Manchester; Jill Rubery, The University of Manchester
Who Are the Precarious?: Gendered Precariousness in De-Industrial South Korean Labour Market
Sophia Seung-yoon Lee, Ewha Womans University; Seungho Baek, The Catholic University of Korea
Employer Tenure in Ireland and Denmark
Ivan Privalko, Maynooth University

The Emergence of Markets
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Meltem Odabas, University of Arizona, School of Sociology
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University

The Emergence of “Solidarity Recycling” in Brazil, 1980 – 2014
Mario Sacomano Neto, Federal University of Sao Carlos - UFSCar; Silvio Eduardo Alvarez Candido, Federal University of Sao Carlos - UFSCar; Fernanda Verissimo Soulé, Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar)
Constructing Market for Responsibility
Mikolaj Lewicki, University of Warsaw

Autocracy, Corruption, the Economy, and the Return of State Capitalism 1
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Masha Hedberg, EUI
Session Organizer: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London

Strong State, Weak Managers: How Hungarian Firms Cope with Autocracy
Dorottya Sallai, University of Greenwich; Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London

Hybridisation of Food Governance: Trends, Types and Results
L: Regulation and Governance

Session Organizers: Paul Verbruggen, Radboud University; Tetty Havinga, Radboud University

National Policy Responses to Transnational Private Standards: The Marine Stewardship Council in Alaska, Australia and Ecuador
Tiffany Andrade Roche, WWF; Agni Kalfagianni, Institute for Environmental Studies, VU Amsterdam

Regulating Europe
L: Regulation and Governance

Discussant: Mark Thatcher, LSE
Session Organizers: John W Cioffi, University of California, Riverside; Frans van Waarden, UniversityCollege, Utrecht University; Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam
Moderator: Mark Thatcher, LSE

Neoliberal Governance and Public Services in the EU: Are Disadvantaged Socio-Economic Groups Being Left behind?
Judith Clifton, U Cantabria; Daniel Díaz-Fuentes, Universidad de Cantabria; Marcos Fernandez-Gutierrez, University of Cantabria

Institutions, Labor Market Reforms, and the Space for Alternatives
L: Regulation and Governance

Discussant: Bob Hancke, LSE
Session Organizers: John W Cioffi, University of California, Riverside; Frans van Waarden, UniversityCollege, Utrecht University; Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam
Moderator: Bob Hancke, LSE

Theories of Institutional Change and Labour Market Reforms in Spain and Italy
Kenneth A. Dubin, Anglia Ruskin University; Jonathan Hopkin, London School of Economics

Movimientos Sociales y Desarrollo
M: Spanish Language

Session Organizers: Santos Miguel Ruesga Benito, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Julimar da Silva, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Moderator: Manuela Caballero, Universidad de Extremadura

Responsabilidad Social Corporativa En Las Pymes Del Estado De Guanajuato, México
Eva Conraud Koellner, universidad de guanajuato; Jose Felipe Ojeda Hidalgo, Universidad Politecnica de Guanajuato; Guillermo Silvino lira Torres, Universidad de Guanajuato
Movimientos Sociales En La Construcción De Mercados De Proximidad.
Ivette Tatiana Castilla Carrascal, Universidade de Brasilia - CEPPAC
Generaciones Ambientales: Entre El Materialismo y El Postmaterialismo
Manuela Caballero, Universidad de Extremadura; Artemio Baigorri, Universidad de Extremadura/Facultad CC. Economicas
Responsabilidad Social VITAL: Adultos Mayores Como Agentes De Bienestar EN Sociedades PARA Todas Las Edades
Santiago Cambero, Universidad de Extremadura; Manuela Caballero, Universidad de Extremadura

N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University

Where Do Electronic Markets Come from? Steps Towards Political Sociology of Financial Exchanges
Yuval Millo, University of Leicester; Michael Castelle, University of Chicago; Daniel Beunza, London School of Economics and Political Science
Negotiating the Future of Banking: To Reduce or Not Bank Dependence?
Eileen Keller, European University Institute

Corporations and Finance
N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Emily Barman, Boston University
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University

Power, Financialization, and Corporate Control: Revisiting the Liberal Market Environment at the Firm-Level
Matthew Soener, The Ohio State University; Michael Nau, The Ohio State University

Financial Literacy
N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Galit Ailon, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Bar-Ilan University
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University

‘Financial Education Is about Everybody's Self-Regulation': Financial Literacy As a Moralizing Project
Daniel Maman, Ben-Gurion University; Zeev Rosenhek, The Open University of Israel
Financial Education As "Folk Building"? the Case of Improving Financial Literacy in Contemporary Sweden
Claes Ohlsson, Gothenburg Research Institute, University of Gothenburg

Systemic Risk in Finance
N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Dirk H. Ehnts, Bard College Berlin
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University

Press Freedom and Jumps in Stock Prices
Thorsten Lehnert, Luxembourg School of Finance
Might Supplementary Domesticated Currencies Reduce Financial System Risks?
Shann Turnbull, International Institute for Self-governance

Management Studies and the Global Value Chain Framework: Future Perspectives
O: Global Value Chains

Session Organizers: Eleonora Di Maria, University of Padua; Maria Chiarvesio, University of Udine; Stefano Micelli, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Moderator: Mari Sako, University of Oxford

Who Is Running the Show in Global Value Chains? Rethinking the Role of Large First-Tier Suppliers in the Garments and Electronics Industry
Gale Raj-Reichert, University of Manchester; Khalid Nadvi, The University of Manchester; Shamel Azmeh, London School of Economics
The Governance of the Global Factory
Roger Strange, University of Sussex
From Vertical to Horizontal Value Chains: The Case of Etsy.Com
Marco Bettiol, University of Padua; Vladi Finotto, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia; Stefano Micelli, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Corporate Governance and Financialisation (I): Theoretical Perspectives
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Session Organizers: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe; Reuven Avi-Yonah, University of Michigan; Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management
Moderator: Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management

The Post-World War II Transformations of the Large Corporation Facing Financialization
Olivier Weinstein, University Paris 13 Sorbonne Paris Cité
Innovative Enterprise and Shareholder Value
William Lazonick, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Network Q Welcome: Overview and Meet the Organizers
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Discussants: Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou; Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt
Session Organizers: Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University; Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt

Session 1: Continuity and Change in National Systems of Collective Bargaining in a Context of Crisis
Continuity and Change in National Systems of Collective Bargaining in a Context of Crisis

Session Organizers: Aristea Koukiadaki, University of Manchester; Miguel Martinez Lucio, N/A; Isabel Tavora, University of Manchester

Joint Regulation and Labour Market Policy in Europe during the Crisis
Aristea Koukiadaki, University of Manchester; Isabel Tavora, University of Manchester; Miguel Martinez Lucio, N/A
The Reform of Collective Bargaining in Spain - Legacies and Risks in the Neo-Liberal Reform of Regulation
Miguel Martinez Lucio, N/A; Carlos Jesus Fernandez Rodriguez, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Rafael Ibáñez Rojo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Re-Building Consensus? Social Pacts and Centralized Collective Bargaining in Spain Under Austerity.
Sergio Gonzalez Begega, University of Oviedo; David Luque, University of Oviedo

Financial Education and Literacy
Domesticizing Financial Economies, Part 2

Discussant: Isabelle Guérin, Cessma (Institute of Research for Development/University Paris 7 Diderot/Inalco)
Session Organizers: JosÃÂÂÂà OssandÃÂÂÃ, Copenhagen Business School; Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po; Mariana Luzzi, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Joseph Deville, Goldsmiths, University of London


Varieties of Employer Collective Action
Employers’ Organizations, Business Interest Representation, and Employer Collective Action

Discussant: Geoffrey Keith White, University of Greenwich
Session Organizers: Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University; Edmund Heery, Cardiff University; Leon Gooberman, Cardiff University

Explaining the Origins and Rise of Strong Business Associations in Turkey
Lisa Sezer, London School of Economics and Political Science

Youth on the Move: Migration and Mobility
Inequalities in Youth Labor Transitions

Session Organizers: Janine Leschke, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Business and Politics; Christer Hyggen, NOVA; Jacqueline A O'Reilly, University of Brighton

The Role of Labour Market Intermediaries for Young Migrants' Labour Mobility in Europe
Christer Hyggen, NOVA; Renate Ortlieb, University of Graz; Hans Christian Sandlie, NOVA; Silvana Weiss, University of Graz
From Past to Present: Re-Emerging Migration Patterns in Europe
Mehtap Akguc, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS); Miroslav Beblavy, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
Understanding Barriers Towards Youth Migration within the EU
Leydi Johana Breuls, Utrecht University School of Economics

Income Inequality, Public Opinion and Political Outcomes
Inequality: Drivers, Impacts, and Policies

Session Organizer: Herman van de Werfhorst, University of Amsterdam

How Income Inequality Is Related to Tolerance for Inequality
Martin Schröder, University of Marburg
The Structure of Inequality, Social Trust and Redistribution: A Cross-Country Analysis in a Panel of OECD Countries
Andreas Katsikidis, Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences
Crisis, Class, and Social Policy: Public Opinion and Inequality
Alexander Horn, Aarhus University; Kees van Kersbergen, Aarhus University; Carsten Jensen, Aarhus University; Anthony Kevins, Aarhus University

Mixed Market Economies in the Recession
Mixed Market Economies in the Recession: The Issues of Growth, Employment, and Equality

Session Organizer: Emmanuele Pavolini, N/A

South European Countries' Systems of Innovation in Hard Times
Davide Donatiello, University of Turin; Francesco Ramella, University of Torin
Social Mobility and Educational Opportunities in Southern European Countries
Gabriele Ballarino, University of Milan; Nazareno Panichella, Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences of the University of Milan
The Origins of Italy's Economic Difficulties: The Role of Industrial Relations and Labour Market Reforms
Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Roberto Pedersini, Università degli Studi di Milano

Session 1: Transnational trade unionism and capacity building: A multilevel approach
Transnational Trade Unionism and MNCs: Building New Capabilities to Reduce Inequalities

Session Organizers: Christian Levesque, HEC Montréal; Peter Fairbrother, RMIT University; Marc-Antonin Hennebert, HEC Montreal


Constructing Economic Furures (1): Risk Narratives and Financial Imaginaries
Uncertain Futures in Economic Decision Making

Discussant: Jens Beckert, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Session Organizers: Jens Beckert, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies; Richard Bronk, London School of Economics and Political Science
Moderator: Richard Bronk, London School of Economics and Political Science

The Cartography of Forex Lending: Westernizing the Future in the Hungarian Mortgage Market
Lena Pellandini-Simanyi, ELTE; Zsuzsanna Vargha, University of Leicester; Ferenc Hammer, ELTE

10:15 AM-11:45 AM

Inequalities and Communities
A: Communitarian Ideals and Civil Society

Session Organizer: Jose A. Ruiz San Roman, Universidad Complutense Madrid

Inequality and Leverage: Toward an Analytical Framework
David Anderson, Johns Hopkins University
Umbrella Movement and Imagination of Community in Hong Kong
Kinman Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The German Sight on Inequality and the Forgotten Actor? Doing Inequality - a Micro Sociological Approach on Social Inequality
Falk Eckert, Universität Hamburg; Laura Behrmann, Universität Bremen; Andreas Gefken, Universität Hamburg

Globalization and its Social Effects: Labor, Environmental, and Social Consequences
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizers: Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College; Richard Doner, Emory University; Douglas B Fuller, Zhejiang University

The Politics of Safety Inspection Regimes: Institutional Responses to Rana Plaza
Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College; Sara Jane McCaffrey, Franklin & Marshall College

Remittances and Unofficial Capital Flows
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizers: Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College; Richard Doner, Emory University; Douglas B Fuller, Zhejiang University

What Are We Fighting for? Development Vs. Security in European Policies Against Illicit Financial Flows
Aitor Perez, Elcano Royal Institute; Iliana Olivie, Elcano Royal Institute
Financial Self-Exclusion for Religious Motives. an Empirical Analysis of Informal Transfer Systems.
Dulce Redin, University of Navarra; Reyes Calderon, University of Navarra

Gender and Top Positions
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, University of Quebec-Teluq

Women on Swiss Large Firms' Boards: A Long-Term Analysis of Gender Inequality
Stéphanie Ginalski, Lausanne University
Stuck with a Bad Choice? on the Relation Between Field of Study and the Dynamics of the Gender Pay Gap
Ashok Kaul, Saarland University; Nathalie Neu, Saarland University; Anne Otto, Institute for Employment Research; Manuel Schieler, Saarland University
Gender, Race and Diversity: Professional Trajectories of Brazilian Black Businesswomen
Pedro Jaime, Department of Business Administration, Centro Universitário da FEI

Gender, Wages and Pay Issues Part 2
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, University of Quebec-Teluq

Penalties or Premiums: Explaining Effects of Having Children on Women's Wages in 13 High and Middle Income Countries
Janna Besamusca, University of Amsterdam; Stephanie Steinmetz, University of Amsterdam; Kea Tijdens, University of Amsterdam
Dependent Earners and Part-Time Employment in the Household Context
Vanessa Gash, City University London; Antje Mertens, Berlin School of Economics; Laura Romeu Gordo, DZA, Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen; Martina Dieckhoff, WZB, Berlin Social Science Center
Gender Differences in the Spanish Labour Market: A Review before and after the Economic Crisis
Luz Maria Peña-Logombardo, Castilla-La Mancha University; Alvaro Hidalgo-Vega, Castilla-La Mancha University; Antonio Fernandez-Bolaños, Castilla-La Mancha University; Santiago Perez-Camarero, Castilla-La Mancha University

Labour Migration within the European Union - Freedom of Labour or Economic Outsourcing?
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Bettina Wagner, Humboldt University; Anke Hassel, Hertie School of Governance

Instituting Cheap Labour in High Cost Countries - the Case of the German Meat Industry
Bettina Wagner, Humboldt University; Anke Hassel, Hertie School of Governance
From Labour Migration to Labour Mobility? the Spectre of the Multinational Worker in Europe
Rutvica Andrijasevic, University of Bristol; Devi Sacchetto, Università degli Studi di Padova
The Europeanisation of Labour Markets in Germany and the Netherlands
Ines Wagner, University of Duisburg-Essen; Lisa Berntsen, University of Tilburg
Social Upgrading Trajectories of Apparel Workers in Romania: Europeanization, Fast-Fashion and the Crisis
Cornelia Staritz, Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE); Leonhard Plank, Vienna University of Technology, Department of Spatial Planning, Centre of Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy

Determinants and Effects of Union Membership
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

Centralization of Decision-Making and Local Democratic Representation: Case Study Evidence
Saraï Sapulete, Tilburg University School of Economics and Management; Wolfram Brehmer, WSI Hans Böckler Stiftung; Adelheid Hege, IRES; Marcus Kahmann, IRES; Arjen van Witteloostuijn, Tilburg University School of Economics and Management
Union Politics in the Segmented Workplace
Hyunji Kwon, Seoul National University; Byung-hoon Lee, Chung-Ang University; Sukbum Hong, Chung-ang University

Labour Migration and Union Responses
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

Collective Bargaining in the Shadow of Labour Migration – the Case of Danish Construction
Søren Kaj Andersen, FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen; Jens Arnholtz, FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
Labour Market Integration of Eastern and Central European Migrants
Jonas Felbo-Kolding, University of Copenhagen

Opportunities for and Constraints on Science and Innovation in Smaller States
F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

Session Organizers: Matthew R. Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University; Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester

Science and Development: The Case of Costa Rica 1975-2014
Agustin Fallas-Santana, University of Costa Rica
Creating Impactful Science and the Rise of Market Logic in Ireland
Jennifer Kutzleb, University of California, Davis

Changing Patterns of Skills
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Renata Semenza, University of Milan

Taking to Task Task-Biased Technological Change
Mark Williams, University of Surrey; Thijs Bol, University of Amserdam
Does Informal Workplace Learning in OECD Countries Differ By Contract Duration?
Maria Ferreira Sequeda, ROA/Maastricht University; Andries de Grip, ROA/Maastricht University; Rolf van der Velden, ROA/Maastricht University
The Impact of Press Digitisation on Journalists' Income: Evidence from France
Clémence Aubert-Tarby, Paris School of Business; Octavio Escobar, Paris School of Business; Thierry Rayna, Imperial College London

Education and Inequality
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Martin Dietz, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

The Impact of Social Segregation on Educational Achievement in France
Daniele Trancart, Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi
The Expansion of Brazilian Higher Education and Social Inequalities
Maria-Ligia de Oliveira Barbosa, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Inequalities in Morocco: What Freedom for Young People to Choose a Life One Has Good Reasons to Value ?
Vanessa di Paola, Aix-Marseille University, Lest; Mehdi Khouaja, LEST; Stephanie Moullet, Aix-Marseille University, Lest; Noémie Olympio, Institute of Labour Economics and Industrial Sociology (LEST-CNRS); Gwendoline Promsopha, LEST

Flexible and Precarious Work 2
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Michael R. Smith, McGill University

The Standard Foundations of the ‘Non-Standard' Danish Labour Market
Felix Behling, Maynooth University; John-Paul Byrne, Maynooth University; Sean O Riain, Maynooth University
How Social Class Matters in Temporality: From Keeping Your Job to Obtaining a Permanent Contract
Jacobo Munoz-Comet, UNED; Juan-Ignacio Martínez-Pastor, UNED
Personal and Household Services (PHS) and the Role of Technical Assistance
Werner Eichhorst, IZA; Annette Angermann, VDIVDE-IT

Author Meets Critics: “Plastic Money: Constructing Markets for Credit Cards in Eight Postcommunist Countries” by Akos Rona-Tas and Alya Guseva (Stanford 2014)
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Critics: Josh Whitford, Columbia University; José Ossandón, Copenhagen Business School; Nigel Dodd, LSE
Book Authors: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University
Session Organizer: José Ossandón, Copenhagen Business School

Autocracy, Corruption, the Economy, and the Return of State Capitalism 2
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Session Organizer: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London

Semi-Peripheral Catch-up, State Capitalism and Global Governance
Xin Zhang, SAIAS East China Normal University

The Sub-National Welfare State
J: Rethinking the Welfare State

Session Organizer: Alexander Hicks, Emory University
Moderator: David Calnitsky, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Basic Income in a Small Town: Understanding the Elusive Effects on Work
David Calnitsky, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jonathan Latner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Effects of Tax Collection and Politics on Municipal Spending on Health Services
Monica PInhanez, Getulio Vargas Foundation; Kleber Morais, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco

Pathways to and from Neo-Liberalism
L: Regulation and Governance

Session Organizers: John W Cioffi, University of California, Riverside; Frans van Waarden, UniversityCollege, Utrecht University; Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam
Moderator: Marcos Fernandez-Gutierrez, University of Cantabria

The Multivocality of Policy Instruments: The Resurgence of Local Content Requirements in Public Regulation
Zophia Edwards, Boston University/Providence College; Emily Barman, Boston University

Relaciones Laborales En La Crisis
M: Spanish Language

Session Organizers: Julimar da Silva, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Santos Miguel Ruesga Benito, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Moderator: Jose Luis Martin-Navarro, Universidad de Sevilla

Changes in the Economic Environment and Labour Relations Reforms. Implications for Segmented Labour Markets in Spain.
Jose Luis Martin-Navarro, Universidad de Sevilla; Asuncion Rodriguez Ramos, Universidad de Sevilla
Motivación y Expectativas Laborales De Los Estudiantes Universitarios. Una Aproximación.
Ramón Fernández-Díaz, Universidad de Extremadura/Facultad CC. Economicas; Artemio Baigorri, Universidad de Extremadura/Facultad CC. Economicas; Miguel Centella Moyano, Universidad de Extremadura/Facultad CC. Economicas

Socio Economía De La Corrupción y La Economía Sumergida
M: Spanish Language

Session Organizers: Julimar da Silva, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Santos Miguel Ruesga Benito, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Moderators: Santos Miguel Ruesga Benito, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Javier Salinas, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Economía Sumergida y Corrupción: Un Panorama Socioeconómico
Santos Miguel Ruesga Benito, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Manuel Perez Trujillo, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Definición y Cuantificación Del Coste De La Corrupción En España
Armando Fernandez-Steinko, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Informalidad, Desarrollo y Desigualdad En América Latina
Patricia Silveira Rivero, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - NEPP-DH/UFRJ
Tourism, Political Corruption and Voting Patterns in Spanish Municipalities
Gustavo Nombela, University Complutense Madrid; Juan L. Jimenez, University of Las Palmas; Ancor Suarez-Aleman, University of Las Palmas
Education, Institutional Quality and Subjective Well-Being
Javier Salinas-Jimenez, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Maria del Mar Salinas-Jimenez, Universidad de Extremadura; Jose Manuel Cordero, Universidad de Extremadura

Sociology of Financial Experts
N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, London School of Economics
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University

Professional Ethics in Banking and Finance - a Praxeological Approach to the Social Embeddedness of Finance
Claudia Czingon, Goethe-University; Sighard Neckel, Goethe University
Coauthorship and Subauthorship Patterns in the Journal of Finance
Andreas Andrikopoulos, University of the Aegean; Labriana Economou, University of the Aegean
Are Financial Economists Creative?
Simone Polillo, University of Virginia

Gvc in Advanced Economies: Re-Shoring and Re-Industrialisation
O: Global Value Chains

Session Organizers: Mariachiara Barzotto, Ca' Foscari University Venice; Mario Volpe, Ca' Foscari University Venice; Lisa De Propris, The University of Birmingham
Moderator: Lisa De Propris, The University of Birmingham

Disintegration and Re-Integration of the Value Chain: Preliminary Evidence on the Re-Shoring of Business Services
Filippo Albertoni, Politecnico di Milano; Stefano Elia, Politecnico di Milano; Lucia Piscitello, Politecnico di Milano
Shortening British Manufacturing Value Chains: Onshoring or Reshoring?
David Bailey, Aston Business School; Lisa De Propris, The University of Birmingham
Companies' International Openness and Local Common-Pool Resources: The Need for Balance in Advanced Economies
Mariachiara Barzotto, Ca' Foscari University Venice; Mario Volpe, Ca' Foscari University Venice; Giancarlo Corò, Ca' Foscari University Venice

Author Meets Critics: "The Power of Inaction. Bank Bailouts in Comparison" By Cornelia Woll (Cornell U Press 2014)
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Critics: Philippe Moutot, European Central Bank; Raphael Reinke, Zurich University; Matthias Thiemann, Frankfurt University; Arthur Wilmarth, George Washington University Law School
Book Author: Cornelia Woll, Sciences Po
Session Organizer: Yuri Biondi, Cnrs - ESCP Europe

The Fabric of Accounting Standards: The Case of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Session Organizers: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe; Reuven Avi-Yonah, University of Michigan; Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management
Moderator: Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management

Fair Value Measurement : A Bergson's “False Problem” ?
Veronique Blum, Univ Grenoble Alpes; Emmanuel Laffort, UPPA
Financialisation and Accounting Standard-Setting: The Case of Narrative Reporting
Yasmine Chahed, London School of Economics and Political Science

Asian Capitalisms and Global Finance I
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Session Organizers: Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University; Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt

Corporate Governance for Start-Ups in Japan: Layering of Institutional Logics
Masahiro Kotosaka, College of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University; Mari Sako, University of Oxford

Session 2: Continuity and Change in National Systems of Collective Bargaining in a Context of Crisis
Continuity and Change in National Systems of Collective Bargaining in a Context of Crisis

Session Organizers: Aristea Koukiadaki, University of Manchester; Miguel Martinez Lucio, N/A; Isabel Tavora, University of Manchester

When Pandora Opened the Box: Collective Bargaining and Austerity Policies in Greece
Aristea Koukiadaki, University of Manchester; Chara Kokkinou, University of Manchester

Employer Collective Action in the UK
Employers’ Organizations, Business Interest Representation, and Employer Collective Action

Discussant: Martin Behrens, WSI Hans Böckler Stiftung
Session Organizers: Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University; Edmund Heery, Cardiff University; Leon Gooberman, Cardiff University

Employers' Organisation in UK Higher Education
Geoffrey Keith White, University of Greenwich
The Changing Face of Employer Collective Action: The Case of Business in the Community Wales
Cassandra Bowkett, Cardiff University; Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University; Edmund Heery, Cardiff University
Local Enterprise Partnerships: Putting Employers in the Driving Seat - to Nowhere
Patrick McGurk, WERU, University of Greenwich; Richard Meredith, University of Greenwich

Policy Legacies I: Families and Flexibility
Inequalities in Youth Labor Transitions

Session Organizer: Jacqueline A O'Reilly, University of Brighton

The Effect of Marriage and Employment on Leaving Home in Europe.
Family Background and Youth Labour Market Outcomes Across Europe: Did the Crisis Exacerbate Inequalities?
Eleonora Matteazzi, DEM, University of Trento; Gabriella Berloffa, DEM, University of Trento; Paola Villa, DEM, University of Trento
Young Employed and Their Siblings in Europe: Social Origin and Employment Attachment
Tiziana Nazio, University of Turin; Marianna Filandri, University of Turin; Jacqueline A O'Reilly, University of Brighton

Inequality, Social Policy and Taxation
Inequality: Drivers, Impacts, and Policies

Session Organizer: Brian Nolan, INET, University of Oxford

Top Tax Progression and the German Dual Income Tax
Katharina Jenderny, Freie Universitaet Berlin
The glass ceiling of poverty reduction. The dynamics of low wages, minimum income packages and median household incomes in rich European welfare states
Bea Cantillon, Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp; Diego Collado, Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp; Natascha Van Mechelen, Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp

Multilevel Governance and Industrial Relations in Southern European Countries (I)
Mixed Market Economies in the Recession: The Issues of Growth, Employment, and Equality

Session Organizer: Luigi Burroni, University of Florence

Social Dialogue in Spain during the Crisis: The Impact of Narrowing Down and Policy De-Linking
Oscar Molina, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; Antonio Martin-Artiles, Universidad Autonoma Barcelona
Is “Regional” Corporatism Still Alive? Evidence from Italy
Andrea Bellini, University of Florence; Luigi Burroni, University of Florence

Session 2: Transnational unionism: Bridging the North and the South to increase worker’s power
Transnational Trade Unionism and MNCs: Building New Capabilities to Reduce Inequalities

Session Organizers: Christian Levesque, HEC Montréal; Peter Fairbrother, RMIT University; Marc-Antonin Hennebert, HEC Montreal

Building New Capabilities at the Local Level through Transnational Unionism: Evidence from the Case of Carrefour in Colombia
Christian Levesque, HEC Montréal; Marc-Antonin Hennebert, HEC Montreal; Gregor Murray, Université de Montréal

Constructing economic futures (2): Central banking and forecasting
Uncertain Futures in Economic Decision Making

Discussant: Waltraud Schelkle, London School of Economics
Session Organizers: Jens Beckert, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies; Richard Bronk, London School of Economics and Political Science
Moderator: Richard Bronk, London School of Economics and Political Science


10:15 AM-11:55 AM

The Political Economy of Private Pension Funds Around the World
N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Richard Deeg, Temple University
Session Organizer: Marek Naczyk, Sciences Po
Moderator: Ewald Engelen, University of Amsterdam

The Politics of Choice in Occupational Pensions
Karen Anderson, University of Southampton

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

Featured Panel - The Rich and Inequality
Featured Panels & Speakers

Discussants: Andrew Sayer, University of Lancaster; Mike Savage, LSE; Tom Clark, The Guardian
Session Organizers: Glenn Morgan, Cardiff University; David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Glenn Morgan, Cardiff University

Featured Panel - Author Meets Critics: "The Emergence of Organizations and Markets" by John F. Padgett & Walter W. Powell (Princeton Univ Press 2012)
Featured Panels & Speakers

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Marion Fourcade, UC Berkeley
Book Author: Woody Powell, Stanford University
Critics: Nina Bandelj, University of California, Irvine; Nitsan Chorev, Brown University; Michael Reed, Cardiff Business School; Andrew Schrank, Brown University

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Companies, Trust and Comunities I
A: Communitarian Ideals and Civil Society

Session Organizer: José A. Ruiz San Roman, Universidad Complutense Madrid

Quants and Qualia in the Discourse of Social Purpose Organisations
Julia Eva Morley, London School of Economics
Open Data and Citizen Empowerment. Survey Analysis of the Most Active Open Data Users.
José A. Ruiz San Roman, Universidad Complutense Madrid; Gaspar Brändle Señán, Universidad de Murcia; María Dolores Cáceres Zapatero, Universidad Complutense Madrid

Dependency Theory Revisited: The Political Economy of Late Developers
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Discussant: Peter Kingstone, King's College London
Session Organizer: Darius Ornston, University of Toronto
Moderator: Peter Kingstone, King's College London


Developmental Constraints and Opportunities: Lessons from Latin America
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizers: Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College; Richard Doner, Emory University; Douglas B Fuller, Zhejiang University

Cidade Baixa: An Analysis of the Territory's Potential As a Creative Hub
Lisiane Closs, UFRGS; Sidinei Oliveira, UFRGS; Christian Tirelli, FADERGS
Demographic Dividend and Households Saving in Mexico
Isalia Nava-Bolaños, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas (IIEc), UNAM

Gender and Women’s Labour Part 1
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, University of Quebec-Teluq

Women Labor in Mining: Inequities, Achievements and Challenges
Francisco Javier Velazquez-Sagahon, University of Guanajuato; Laura Elena Zarate-Negrete, Universidad de Guanajuato
First-Time Parents' Perceptions of Work-Family Balance in Spain: Which Are the More Satisfied Couples?
Irene Lapuerta, Universidad Pública de Navarra; Maria-Jose Gonzalez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Teresa Martin-Garcia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Marta Séiz, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Women in Manufacturing: The Scottish Evidence
Pauline Anderson, Strathclyde University; Patricia Findlay, University of Strathclyde; Johanna Commander, University of Strathclyde
The social and economic condition of tribal migrant women domestic workers in Mumbai: Understanding the inequalities
Sunita Kumari, Tata Institute of Social Sciences; Abhishek Thakur, University of Delhi
Where have all the women gone? Gender and the ICT sector
Abigail Marks, Heriot-Watt University

Neoliberalism, Institutional Change, and the Fate of Egalitarian Capitalism
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

Organized Decentralisation. Institutional Fragmentation in Australian Industrial Relations 1983-2012.
Richard Cooney, Monash University; Russell Lansbury, University of Sydney
Social Democracy and Alternatives to Capitalism in Sweden and Britain, 1969-83
Shannon Ikebe, University of California, Berkeley
The Nordic Labour Markets – Still on the High-Road to Egalitarian Capitalism?
Bjarke Refslund, Aalborg Univeristy; Ole H. Sorensen, Aalborg University; Stine Rasmussen, Aalborg University

Relational Work and Network Interaction in Knowledge-Intensive Fields and Transactions
F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

Session Organizers: Matthew R. Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University; Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester

Securing Commitment in Inter-Organizational Collaboration for Innovation: Governance and Functioning of Industry-University Strategic Partnerships
Steven Casper, KGI, Claremont; Marcela Miozzo, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester
“Unregulated Opinions” or “Evaluation Culture”? the Reviewing of Restaurants By Ordinary Customers
Jean-Samuel Beuscart, University Paris Est - Marne-la-Vallee; Kevin Mellet, Orange Labs; Marie Trespeuch, Orange Labs

Featured Panel - Measuring Institutions: Issues and New Perspectives
Featured Panels & Speakers

Discussants: Gregory Jackson, Freie Universität Berlin; Andrew Schrank, Brown University; Mathias Siems, Durham University; Stefan Voigt, Hamburg University; Michael A. Witt, INSEAD
Session Organizers: Gregory Jackson, Freie Universität Berlin; Michael A. Witt, INSEAD
Moderators: Gregory Jackson, Freie Universität Berlin; Michael A. Witt, INSEAD

Educational Reforms
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: William Bartlett, European Institute, LSE

Locus of Control and Educational Aspirations in Post-Compulsory Education
Katharina Jaik, University of Zurich / Chair of Prof. Uschi Backes-Gellner; Stefan C. Wolter, University of Bern / CESifo / IZA
A Model of Learning Goals: Enhancing the Education Process
Anastasia M Luca, QuantLearn Systems LLC

G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Lenita Maria Turchi, Institute for Applied Economic Research- Ipea

Leadership and Relational Skills: A Lifestyle Approach for Analyzing the Talent Gap and Developing Targeted Interventions
Reynaldo Gustavo Rivera, University of Navarra; David Santos, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Stress and Work Intensification: What Is the Influence of Personnel Policy?
Michael Beckmann, University of Basel; Elena Shvartsman, University of Basel
Listen without Seeing: The Impact of Blind Auditions on Female Musician's Recruitment in French Orchestra
Helene Perivier, Sciences Po OFCE; Ravet Hyacinthe, researcher; Hatzipetrou-Andronikou Reguina, researcher; Noe Chiara, researcher

The Micro Mechanisms of Business
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Anna Dempster, Sotheby's Institute of Art
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University

Is It Always Good to Follow the Mood? an Experimental Study on the Impact of Social Mood on Business Strategies.
Linda Alengoz, University of Brescia; Marco Castellani, University of Brescia; Flaminio Squazzoni, University of Brescia
Toward an Economic Sociology of Online Hacker Communities
Meltem Odabas, University of Arizona, School of Sociology; Ronald Breiger, University of Arizona, School of Sociology; Thomas Holt, Michigan State University, School of Criminal Justice

Authors Meet Critics: "Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s Political Economy" by Vivien Schmidt & Mark Thatcher (eds) (CUP 2013)
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Critics: Bruno Amable, Université Paris I Panthéon - Sorbonne; Wolfgang Streeck, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies; Mark Pennington, King's College London
Book Author: Vivien Schmidt, Boston University
Session Organizer: Mark Thatcher, LSE
Moderator: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London

Changing Corporate Governance. Theoretical and Organizational Antecedents and Consequences
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Natascha van der Zwan, Leiden University
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University

Organizational Learning through Board Interlocks in Family Firms: Adoption of the Board Reform
Toru Yoshikawa, Singapore Management University; Jung Wook Shim, Kyoto Sangyo University
Corporate Governance Ideology: A Missing Part of the Puzzle
Andreas Jansson, Linnaeus University; Karin Jonnergard, Linnaeus University; Ulf Larsson-Olaison, Linnaeus University

Theory and Philosophy in Socio-Economics
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University

The “Merton Classification” in Sociology of the Unintended and Unexpected: Review of an Unheld Debate
Adriana Mica, Institute of Applied Social Siences - University of Warsaw

Assessing Economic Mobility: Migrant Communities and First Nations
I: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration

Session Organizers: Victoria Hattam, New School for Social Research; Maritsa Poros, The City College of New York

Homeownership of Immigrants in France
Matthieu Solignac, Sciences Po (Paris), Department of Economics; Laurent Gobillon, INED, PSE

Welfare State in Hard Times
J: Rethinking the Welfare State

Session Organizer: Alexander Hicks, Emory University
Moderator: Alexander Hicks, Emory University

Welfare Systems and Policy Making in Hard Times: A Comparative Analysis
Nihan Toprakkiran, University of York; Antonios Roumpakis, University of York; Martin Smith, University of York

Pragmatist Governance or Pragmatism Contra Governance?
L: Regulation and Governance

Discussant: Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam
Session Organizer: Nils Kupzok, The Johns Hopkins University
Moderator: Nicolas Jabko, The Johns Hopkins University

Governing the Unknown: The Regulation of Financial Risk
Robert Reamer, University of Chicago

Regulating Finance after the Crisis
L: Regulation and Governance

Discussant: Elliot Posner, Case Western Reserve University
Session Organizers: John W Cioffi, University of California, Riverside; Frans van Waarden, UniversityCollege, Utrecht University; Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam
Moderator: Elliot Posner, Case Western Reserve University


Saúde Comparada
M: Spanish Language

Session Organizer: Murilo Cassio Xavier Fahel, Fundacao Joao Pinheiro
Moderator: Murilo Cassio Xavier Fahel, Fundacao Joao Pinheiro


Tecnología y Desarrollo Social
M: Spanish Language

Session Organizers: Santos Miguel Ruesga Benito, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Julimar da Silva, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Moderator: Tania Jimenez, Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar

La Detección De Necesidades Formativas Del Voluntariado En El ámbito Rural
Miguel Centella Moyano, Universidad de Extremadura/Facultad CC. Economicas; Ramón Fernández-Díaz, Universidad de Extremadura/Facultad CC. Economicas; Santiago Cambero, Universidad de Extremadura
La Politica PÚblica De LOS Biocombustibles EN Colombia: UN Analisis De Convergencia Y Desarrollo Humano
Tania Jimenez, Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar; Jose Soto, Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar; Luis Diaz, Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar
Influencia Del Cambio Tecnológico Sobre El Comportamiento Medioambiental: Los Casos De La UE y EE.UU
Blanca Olmedillas, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Yolanda Fernández Fernández, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; María Angeles Fernðndez LÃ, U. Camilo José Cela
Bank Failure Prediction Models: Less Is More?
Manuel Merck, Universidad Castilla - La Mancha; Agustin Alvarez-Herranz, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; Alvaro Hidalgo-Vega, Castilla-La Mancha University

Calculative Practices
N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University

Calculating the Human Spirit: The Popularization of Day-Trading Outside the Global Centers of Finance
Galit Ailon, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Bar-Ilan University
Calculating at the Frontier: Coordinating the Reinsurance Market
Rebecca Bednarek, Cass Business School, City University London; Paula Jarzabkowski, Cass Business School, City University London; Paul Spee, University of Queensland

Innovation in Technology-Intensive Gvcs
O: Global Value Chains

Session Organizers: Gary Gereffi, Duke University; Mari Sako, University of Oxford; Timothy Sturgeon, MIT; Eric Thun, University of Oxford
Moderator: Eric Thun, University of Oxford

Gvc Governance and Skills Mobility – Exploring the Interrelations
Nana Wesley Hansen, University of Copenhagen; Nikolaj Lubanski, Copanhagen Capacity Talent Bridge
State-Driven R&D Outsourcing and Industrial Upgrading in Brazil
Ezequiel Zylberberg, University of Oxford

Reporting for Corporate Social Responsibility: Case Studies and Perspectives
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Session Organizers: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe; Reuven Avi-Yonah, University of Michigan; Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management
Moderator: Nihel Chabrak, United Arab Emirates University - Collge of Business and Economics

Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability: A Model of Integrity. Evidences from the United Arab Emirates
Nihel Chabrak, United Arab Emirates University - Collge of Business and Economics; Rabab Abdulameer Merza Abdulhusain Ali, United Arab Emirates University - College of Business & Economics
Sustainable Development or Business Sustainability? a Luhmanian Analysis of Integrated Reporting
Veronique Blum, Univ Grenoble Alpes; David Alexander, birmingham business school
How Banking Sector Changes Moral Values into Valuable Instruments ?
Bihr Marie-Hélène, IAE -UMPF; Laurence Gialdini, SKEMA Business School-Université de Lille

Corporate Governance and Financialisation (II): Legal-Economic Case Studies from UK and Norway
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Discussants: Konstantinos Sergakis, University of Bristol; Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe
Session Organizers: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe; Reuven Avi-Yonah, University of Michigan; Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management
Moderator: Thomas Clarke, University of Technology Sydney

Corporate Governance in Norway: Regulation and Practice
Jenni Maria Nossum, University of Oslo, Faculty of Law

Asian Capitalisms and Global Finance II
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Session Organizers: Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University; Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt

The Politics of Economic Growth and Fiscal Deficit in China, 1994-2015
Dr. Adam Saunders, University of Oxford; Ke Meng, University of Oxford

Technology, Innovation, and Industrial Upgrading I
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Discussants: Cong Cao, University of Nottingham; Denis Simon, Arizona State University
Session Organizer: Rachel Parker, STPI
Moderator: Rich Appelbaum, University of California, Santa Barbara


Session 3: Continuity and Change in National Systems of Collective Bargaining in a Context of Crisis
Continuity and Change in National Systems of Collective Bargaining in a Context of Crisis

Session Organizers: Aristea Koukiadaki, University of Manchester; Miguel Martinez Lucio, N/A; Isabel Tavora, University of Manchester

Institutions and Inequality in Liberalizing Markets: Explaining Different Trajectories of Institutional Change in Social Europe
Chiara Benassi, Royal Holloway, University of London; Virginia Doellgast, London School of Economics; Katja Sarmiento-Mirwaldt, Brunel University
Collective Bargaining in UK Local Government
Mathew Johnson, Manchester Business School
Slovenia on the Crossroad: Increasing Dependence on the Supranational Institutions and the Weakening of the Multiemployer Bargaining System
Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrcela, University of Ljubljana; Miroslav Stanojevic, University of Ljubljana

Domestic Monies A
Domesticizing Financial Economies, Part 2

Discussant: Magdalena Villarreal, CIESAS
Session Organizers: JosÃÂÂÂà OssandÃÂÂÃ, Copenhagen Business School; Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po; Mariana Luzzi, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Joe Deville, Centre for the Study of Invention and Social Process

Making a Living: How Young Couples in Warsaw Start and Practice a Household
Marta Olcon-Kubicka, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Mateusz Halawa, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
The Time of Finance: The Temporal Structures of Consumer Credit
Felipe Gonzalez, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Domesticating Finance: Patterns of Inequality in Living with Home Mortgages in Hungary
Lena Pellandini-Simanyi, ELTE; Zsuzsanna Vargha, University of Leicester; Ferenc Hammer, ELTE

Employer Collective Action in Latin America
Employers’ Organizations, Business Interest Representation, and Employer Collective Action

Discussant: Christian Lyhne Ibsen, University of Copenhagen, FAOS
Session Organizers: Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University; Edmund Heery, Cardiff University; Leon Gooberman, Cardiff University


Policy Legacies I: Families and Flexibility II
Inequalities in Youth Labor Transitions

Session Organizer: Jacqueline A O'Reilly, University of Brighton

Effects of Workless Households on Gender and Ethnic Youth Transitions
Carolina Zuccotti, University of Brighton; Jacqueline A O'Reilly, University of Brighton

Inequality and the Labour Market
Inequality: Drivers, Impacts, and Policies

Session Organizer: Abigail McKnight, LSE

Labor Supply and Earnings Inequality: A Cross Country Study
Cecilia Garcia Penalosa, Aix-Marseille Université & School of Economics, CNRS & EHESS; Lara Vivian, Aix-Marseille Université & School of Economics, CNRS & EHESS
Inequality and Minimum Wage Policy: Not Even Talking, Much Less Walking in Mexico
Alice Krozer, University of Cambridge; Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid, UNAM

Welfare, Social Dialogue and Informal Regulation of the Economy
Mixed Market Economies in the Recession: The Issues of Growth, Employment, and Equality

Session Organizer: Roberto Pedersini, Università degli Studi di Milano

Adjusting to the Post-Industrial Era: How Has the Spanish Welfare State Performed?
Ana Marta Guillén, University of Oviedo; Sergio Gonzalez Begega, University of Oviedo
Impact of the crisis on social dialogue in southern Europe and Ireland
Youcef Ghellab, International Labour Organization; Aidan Regan, University College Dublin (UCD); Sarah Doyle, International Labour Organization

Neoliberalism and Organizational Precarity
Scrutinizing Organizational Inequalities: New Theoretical and Empirical Approaches

Discussant: Alena Krizkova, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences
Session Organizers: Nina Bandelj, University of California, Irvine; Andrew Penner, University of California; Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts
Moderator: Alena Krizkova, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences

Social Class and Income Shares in the U.S. Airline Industry, 1977-2005
Dustin Avent-Holt, Georgia Regents University

Session 3: Transnational unionism in Europe: Building new capabilities to reduce inequalities
Transnational Trade Unionism and MNCs: Building New Capabilities to Reduce Inequalities

Session Organizers: Christian Levesque, HEC Montréal; Peter Fairbrother, RMIT University; Marc-Antonin Hennebert, HEC Montreal

Transnational Union Organizing in a Regional Labour Market: The Baltic Organising Academy and Finnish-Estonian Union Cooperation
Kairit Kall, University of Jyväskylä; Laura Mankki, University of Jyväskylä; Markku Sippola, University of Jyväskylä; Nathan Lillie, University of Jyväskylä
European Works Councils at 20 – a Critical Review of the Academic Literature
Deborah Hann, Cardiff University; Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University

Managing uncertainty in innovation
Uncertain Futures in Economic Decision Making

Discussant: Richard Bronk, London School of Economics and Political Science
Session Organizers: Jens Beckert, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies; Richard Bronk, London School of Economics and Political Science
Moderator: Jens Beckert, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

Surfing the Hype Wave: Intermediary Organizations Shaping Expectations in Emerging Technologies.
Carla Alvial Palavicino, University of Twente; Konrad Kornelia, University of Twente

4:00 PM-5:30 PM

Companies, Trust and Comunities II
A: Communitarian Ideals and Civil Society

Session Organizer: José A. Ruiz San Roman, Universidad Complutense Madrid

Corporate Misconduct and Trust Repair: Integration of Organizational Behavior and Corporate Discourse Perspectives
Nobuyuki Chikudate, Hiroshima University; Toru Yoshikawa, Singapore Management University
Social Networks and General TRUST: The Link Between MICRO and MACRO Dimensions of Social Capital
Matias Membiela, University of A Coruña; Atilano Pena, University of A Coruña
Moral Limits to Economic Competition
Sebastian Kohl, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies; Timur Ergen, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

New Perspectives on Development: Insights from Firm-based Approaches
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizers: Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College; Richard Doner, Emory University; Douglas B Fuller, Zhejiang University

Middle-Income Trap: A Structural Interpretation
Nahee Kang, King's College London
International Linkages, Value Added Trade and Latin American Firms' Productivity
Carlo Pietrobelli, Inter-American Development Bank; Silvia Nenci, University Roma Tre; Pierluigi Montalbano, University of Sussex

State Capacities and Dylemmas of Development
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizers: Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College; Richard Doner, Emory University; Douglas B Fuller, Zhejiang University

State Capacities, Elites and Patterns of Development in Latin America
Flavio Gaitan, UNILA; Renato Boschi, IESP/UERJ and INCT-PPED
Comparing Structural Change in South Korea and Colombia: A Case of “Varieties of Cronyism”
Matias Ramirez, University of Sussex; Luis Rosado, National University of Colombia; Ivan Hernandez, National University of Colombia

Parental Leave, Fathers and Parental Issues
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, University of Quebec-Teluq

Fathers Taking Paternity Leave in Québec (Canada) : Innovative and Subversive !
Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, University of Quebec-Teluq
Fathers on Leave Alone As an Instrument for Socialising Men in Childcare. the Experience of Spain
Gerardo Meil, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Pedro Romero Balsas, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Jesus Rogero Garcia, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Male Breadwinning Revisited: How Specialization, Gender Role Attitudes and Work Affect Overwork and Underwork in Europe.
Shireen Kanji, Centre for Sustainable Work and Employment Futures, University of Leicester
Men Between Provider Role and Involved Fatherhood
Stefanie Hoherz, ISER, University of Essex; Mark Bryan, University of Essex

Gender and Women’s Labour Part 2
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, University of Quebec-Teluq

Exploring Gender Inequalities in Work and Employment: Evidence Form Gender Statistics in Georgia
Ia Natsvlishvili, Tbilisi State University Named After Ivane Javakhishvili
Women at the Crossroads: Leaving Paid Work Around Pregnancy and Birth of First Child in Spain
Daniel Guinea-Martin, Dept. Sociology I, UNED; Irene Lapuerta, Universidad Pública de Navarra
Returning to Work after Childbirth: Changes in the Job Satisfaction of New Mothers
Anke Plagnol, City University London; Julia Gumy, University of Bristol
Does a Y Really Make a Difference?
Petra M. Moog, Siegen University; Christian Soost, Siegen University

Labour Mobility and Industrial Citizenship in Europe: Results from Migrant Centered Research Projects
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Discussant: Miguel Martinez Lucio, N/A
Session Organizer: Nathan Lillie, University of Jyväskylä

Labour market dynamics and migrants as “good citizens” in Finland
Laura Mankki, University of Jyväskylä; Markku Sippola, University of Jyväskylä
Being the Good Worker: What It Means for Albanian Labour Migrants to be Successful in the Italian Host Society
Erka Caro, University of Jyväskylä; Sonila Danaj, University of Jyväskylä

Worker Involvement, Workplace Partnerships and Superannuation
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

Searching for Rigour in Workplace Case Studies: Trends, Practices and Gender Differences
Patrick McGovern, London School of Economics & Political Science; Diego Alburez Gutierrez, London School of Economics & Political Science
What Makes Labor-Management Cooperation Work? a Comparative Analysis of Workplace Partnership in Germany, the Netherlands, and France
Martin Behrens, WSI Hans Böckler Stiftung; Saraï Sapulete, Tilburg University School of Economics and Management; Marcus Kahmann, IRES; Arjen van Witteloostuijn, Tilburg University School of Economics and Management; Adelheid Hege, IRES; Wolfram Brehmer, WSI Hans Böckler Stiftung

Explaining Innovation: Institutional, Organizational, and Social Capital Approaches
F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

Session Organizers: Matthew R. Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University; Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester

Who's Winning Innovation? Institutional and Organizational Explanations of Patenting in the United States, 1963-2012
Eric Dahlin, Brigham Young University; Ben Gibbs, Brigham Young University; Dallan Flake, Brigham Young University
Protecting Intellectual Property When the Law Will Not Do so: A Religious and Relational Approach
Amanda Budde-Sung, University of Sydney; Matthew Mitchell, Drake University

Featured Panel - Author Meets Critics: "Private Equity at Work - When Wall Street Manages Main Street" by Eileen Appelbaum & Rosemary Batt (Russell Sage 2014)
Featured Panels & Speakers

Session Organizer: Glenn Morgan, Cardiff University
Moderator: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Book Authors: Eileen Appelbaum, Center for Economic and Policy Research; Rosemary Batt, Cornell University
Critics: Julie Froud, University of Manchester; Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University; Geoffrey Wood, Warwick University

G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: David Brady, WZB Berlin Social Science Center

Innovations and Evolution of Employment in the Food Retail Sector in France
Catherine de GERY, NOVANCIA Business School Paris; Enrico Colla, NOVANCIA Business School Paris; Maria Eugenia Ruiz, Université de Valence
Indirect Employment in Global Value Chains
Sudheer Gupta, Simon Fraser University
Attracting the Post-Industrial Worker through Architecture? Theory and a Discrete Choice Experiment
Anja Iseke, University of Paderborn; Katharina Radermacher, University of Paderborn; Martin R. Schneider, University of Paderborn; Tobias Tebbe, University of Paderborn

Human Capital
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Mark Williams, University of Surrey

Occupational Skills and the Evolution of Wages
Miriam Rinawi, University of Zurich; Uschi Backes-Gellner, University of Zurich
Earnings Returns to Different Educational Careers: The Relative Importance of Type Vs. Field of Education
Curdin Pfister, University of Zurich; Uschi Backes-Gellner, University of Zurich; Simone Tuor Sartore, University of Zurich
The Impact of the Diploma on Journalists' Income
Clémence Aubert-Tarby, Paris School of Business; Anne Boring, PSL, Université Paris Dauphine, Leda; Octavio Escobar, Paris School of Business

Skills and Occupations
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Clémence Aubert-Tarby, Paris School of Business

The Organizational Double Bind: How Professional Schools Respond to Prolonged Uncertainty
Max Besbris, New York University; Caitlin Petre, New York University
Who Benefits from Occupational Certification?
Kyle Albert, Cornell University
Conflicts over Values and Orders of Worth in the German Energy Transition: Tertiary Orientations of Work and Employment within the Primary Sector
Heike Jacobsen, Brandenburg University Cottbus; Franziska Blazejewski, Brandenburg University Cottbus

Managing Under Uncertainty
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Josh Whitford, Columbia University
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University

How Do Organizations and Individual Actors in Organizations Manage Uncertainty? Lessons from High Reliable Organizations
Konstanze Karoline Senge, Hamburg University; Simon Dombrowski, University of Hamburg

The Diffusion of Shareholder Capitalism
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Ulf Larsson-Olaison, Linnaeus University
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University

Shareholder Value Orientation: Grand Unified Business Theory or Window-Dressing?
Martin Holgersson, Linnaeus university; Anna Stafsudd, Linnaeus university

Migration and Economic Development
I: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration

Session Organizers: Victoria Hattam, New School for Social Research; Maritsa Poros, The City College of New York

Age, Gender and Migration Status on the Labour Market – Do Advantages and Disadvantages Accumulate As Workers Get Older?
Laura Romeu Gordo, DZA, Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen; Justyna Stypinska, Free University, Institute for East European Studies

Welfare State and the Causes of Inequality and Redistribution
J: Rethinking the Welfare State

Session Organizer: Alexander Hicks, Emory University
Moderator: Thibault Darcillon, University of Paris 7

Unconventional Welfare States: Macro-Structural Origins, Distinctive Traits, Measurement Problems
Kerem Gabriel Oktem, Bielefeld University; Efe Savas, Bilkent University; Tolga Bolukbasi, Bilkent University

Transnational Regulation & Finance
L: Regulation and Governance

Session Organizers: John W Cioffi, University of California, Riverside; Frans van Waarden, UniversityCollege, Utrecht University; Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam
Moderator: Stefano Pagliari, City University

Autonomy of Public Debt Management Offices
Nawid Hoshmand, PhD Student; Philip Gross, PhD Student
Negotiating the Costs of Protecting Savers
Raphael Reinke, Zurich University
“Transnational Governance and US Regulation: The Case of Finance”
Elliot Posner, Case Western Reserve University

SASE's 2nd Ibero-­American Regional Meeting of Socio-­Economics
M: Spanish Language

Session Organizers: Julimar da Silva, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Santos Ruesga, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Yally Avrahampour, London School of Economics & Political Science
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University

Cui Prodest - the Distributional Impact of the Riester Scheme
Johannes Koenig, Freie Universitaet Berlin; Giacomo Corneo, Freie Universitaet Berlin; Carsten Schroeder, DIW Berlin / Freie Universitaet Berlin
Pension Fund Capitalism and Financialization: The United States, the Netherlands and Finland Compared
Natascha van der Zwan, Leiden University; Michael McCarthy, Marquette University; Ville-Pekka Sorsa, University of Helsinki

Inserting Values into Gvcs
O: Global Value Chains

Session Organizers: Gary Gereffi, Duke University; Mari Sako, University of Oxford; Timothy Sturgeon, MIT; Eric Thun, University of Oxford
Moderator: Gary Gereffi, Duke University

Human Rights and MNEs in Gvcs
Stefan Zagelmeyer, The University of Manchester; Mo Yamin, The University of Manchester; Rudolf Sinkovics, The University of Manchester
Overcoming Institutional and Governance Problems within Fast Fashion? the Prospects of Emerging Forms of Monitoring Social Standards in the UK Garment Value Chain
Nikolaus Hammer, Centre for Sustainable Work and Employment Futures, School of Management, University of Leicester; Réka Plugor, Centre for Sustainable Work and Employment Futures, University of Leicester

Public Sector Accounting and Finances: How to Account for Deficit Spending?
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Session Organizers: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe; Reuven Avi-Yonah, University of Michigan; Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management
Moderator: Arnaldo Canziani, University of Brescia - Department of Law

Unification, Wars, Deficit Spending: Italy's Public Accounts 1861-2011
Renato Camodeca, University of Brescia - Department of Economics and Management; Arnaldo Canziani, University of Brescia - Department of Law

Corporate Governance and Financialisation (III): Challenging the Shareholder Value Model
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Session Organizers: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe; Reuven Avi-Yonah, University of Michigan; Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management
Moderator: William Lazonick, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Financialized Corporate Governance and Inequality
Jeroen Veldman, Cass Business School, City University; Hugh Willmott, Cass Business School, City University

Technology, Innovation, and Industrial Upgrading II
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Session Organizers: Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University; Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt

Architectural Innovation in China
Marcus Conle, University of Duisburg-Essen

Varieties and Diversity of Asian Capitalisms I
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Session Organizers: Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University; Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt

Skills, Firms and the State in India: Securing Development or Perpetuating Inequality?
Anita Hammer, De Montfort University; Kuriakose Mamkoottam, Ambedkar University
India: Globalisation, Growth and Inequality
Mritiunjoy Mohanty, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

Domestic Monies B
Domesticizing Financial Economies, Part 2

Discussant: Joseph Deville, Goldsmiths, University of London
Session Organizers: JosÃÂÂÂà OssandÃÂÂÃ, Copenhagen Business School; Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po; Mariana Luzzi, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Joseph Deville, Goldsmiths, University of London

Debt and Sex in Domestic Economies: The Ambiguous Impact of Financialisation on Gender
Isabelle Guérin, Cessma (Institute of Research for Development/University Paris 7 Diderot/Inalco)
Visualising the Household Budget Sheet—Numbers As the Language of Indebtedness
Johnna Montgomerie, Goldsmiths, University of London

Understanding Business Power and Interests
Employers’ Organizations, Business Interest Representation, and Employer Collective Action

Discussant: Bernd Brandl, University of Newcastle
Session Organizers: Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University; Edmund Heery, Cardiff University; Leon Gooberman, Cardiff University

Making Sense of Employer Collectivism
Christian Lyhne Ibsen, University of Copenhagen, FAOS
Employers and Labour Market Insitutions: Friends or Foes?
Thomas Bredgaard, Aalborg University
Italian Agricultural Employers' Associations in the Fifties and Sixties: Their “Influencing” Action on Politics
Vanessa Pollastro, Economic History Department - Catholic University of Milan; Andrea Maria Locatelli, Economic History Department - Catholic University of Milan

Policy Legacies II: Flexibility & Policy Regimes
Inequalities in Youth Labor Transitions

Session Organizers: Jacqueline A O'Reilly, University of Brighton; Werner Eichhorst, IZA; Maria Carmen Gonzalez Menendez, University of Oviedo

Searching for Gaps: The Work-Related Values of the Young Generations
Sik Endre, TÁRKI; Gábor Hajdu, MTA TK SZI
Tracing Convergence in Flexibility and Income Security for Youth during the Economic Crisis
Janine Leschke, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Business and Politics; Mairead Finn, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Business and Politics
Wage and Consistency Between Education Level and Occupational Class of Young Workers in a Comparative Perspective
Marianna Filandri, University of Turin; Tiziana Nazio, University of Turin; Nicola Negri, University of Turin
Inequality and Job Polarization of the Youth Labor Market in Europe.
Kariappa Bheemaiah, Grenoble Ecole de Management; Mark Smith, Grenoble Ecole de Management

Inequality of Wealth
Inequality: Drivers, Impacts, and Policies

Session Organizer: Ive Marx, University of Antwerp

Wealth Inequality in South Korea in a Comparative Perspective: Housing Wealth, Household Structure, and Institutional Contraints
Byung You Cheon, Hanshin University; Jeong Jun Ho, Kangwon University; Jin-Wook Shin, Chung-Ang University; Jiyeun Chang, Korea Labor Institute
The Plight of Triple Precariousness: Low Income, Low Wealth and Inadequate Liquidity
Sarah Kuypers, University of Antwerp; Ive Marx, University of Antwerp

Multilevel Governance and Industrial Relations in Southern European Countries (II)
Mixed Market Economies in the Recession: The Issues of Growth, Employment, and Equality

Session Organizer: Francesco Ramella, University of Torin


Regulatory Intermediaries 1
Regulatory Intermediaries: Bringing together Domestic and Transnational Regulation

Session Organizers: David Levi-Faur, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Kenneth Abbott, Arizona State University; Duncan Snidal, Nuffield College

Co-Regulating Transnational Risks: The State and International Credit Rating Agencies
Judy Safira van der Graaf, London School of Economics and Political Science
Intermediaries in Regulatory Governance
Kenneth Abbott, Arizona State University; David Levi-Faur, Hebrew University of Jerusaelm; Duncan Snidal, Nuffield College

Organizational Inequality Mechanisms and Processes
Scrutinizing Organizational Inequalities: New Theoretical and Empirical Approaches

Discussant: Martin Hällsten, Stockholm University
Session Organizers: Nina Bandelj, University of California, Irvine; Andrew Penner, University of California; Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts
Moderator: Martin Hällsten, Stockholm University

Deinstitutionalization of Social Closure: The Case of Japan
Eunmi Mun, Amherst College; Jiwook Jung, National University of Singapore

Strategies for coping with uncertain futures
Uncertain Futures in Economic Decision Making

Discussant: Richard Bronk, London School of Economics and Political Science
Session Organizers: Jens Beckert, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies; Richard Bronk, London School of Economics and Political Science
Moderator: Jens Beckert, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

Fishing for Customers: Uncertainty and the Microfoundations of the Taxi Market in Warsaw
Marcin Serafin, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

5:45 PM-6:45 PM

SASE Presidential Address
Special Events

Discussant: Glenn Morgan, Cardiff University
Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics

7:00 PM-9:00 PM

SASE Welcome Reception
Special Events

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics

Friday, 3 July 2015

8:30 AM-10:00 AM

New Directions in Latin American Development: Insights from Varieties of Capitalism and Industry-based Studies
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizers: Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College; Richard Doner, Emory University; Douglas B Fuller, Zhejiang University

The Brazilian Industrial Restructuring: The Case of Garments and Textile Industry
Monica Abreu, Universidade Federal do Ceará; Robson Sø Rocha, Aarhus University
Producing Inequalities and Transnational Automakers. Case Study: Audi in San Jose Chiapa, Puebla Mexico.
Juan Reyes Alvarez, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla; German Sanchez, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Varieties of Capitalism and the Study of Regional Development: The Case of the State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Cristiano Fonseca Monteiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense; João Marcos Lima Barboza, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Gender and Work/Life Interferences in Scientific Careers Part 1
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Farah Dubois-Shaik, Université catholique de Louvain

New Trends, Old Asymmetries. Gender Implications for the Emerging Generation of Researchers in Italy
Rossella Bozzon, University of Trento, Department of Sociology and Social Research; Annalisa Murgia, University of Trento, Department of Sociology and Social Research; Barbara Poggio, University of Trento, Department of Sociology and Social Research
Work-Family Interference and Scientific Career Experience: The Case of Postdoctoral Research Fellows
Bernard Fusulier, University of Louvain; Pascal Barbier, University Paris 1 Sorbonne
Academic Work, Gender and Family in Brazil: Time Experience Among Social Scientists
Marina de Carvalho Cordeiro, Federal University from Rio de Janeiro / Cardiff University

Men in Predominately Female Occupations Part 1
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Marie Buscatto, University Paris 1 Sorbonne

Equal Pay and Work-Life Balance: Negotiations and Actions in Danish Female and Male Dominated Companies
Trine Pernille Larsen, University of Copenhagen; Steen Erik Navrbjerg, University of Copenhagen
Conditions, Process and Identity Consequences for Men in “Female” Occupations
Bernard Fusulier, University of Louvain; Marie Buscatto, University Paris 1 Sorbonne

Professionals, Economic Governance and Financial Policymaking
D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

Session Organizers: Didier Demazière, Sciences Po; James Faulconbridge, Lancaster University; Sigrid Quack, University Duisburg-Essen; Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Business School

The Beliefs Disseminated By the Brazilian and North American Business Discourse: A Comparative Reflection about Getulio Vargas Foundation (EAESP/FGV) and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Karine Dutra Rocha Viana, UNESP/Araraquara; Joyce Anselmo, UNESP/Araraquara; Camila Benjamin Vieira, UNESP/Araraquara; Gabriela Lanza Porcionato, UNESP/Araraquara

Trade Unions and Inequality: Taking Stock of Two Decades of Analyses and Reflections. a Seminar for Twenty Years of Transfer - European Review of Labour and Research
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Discussants: Roland Erne, University College Dublin; Maarten Keune, University of Amsterdam; Roberto Pedersini, Università degli Studi di Milano
Session Organizers: Maria Jepsen, European Trade Union Institute; Roberto Pedersini, Università degli Studi di Milano

The Challenges of Modernisation: Towards a New Paradigm for Trade Unions in Europe
Ulrich Mückenberger, Hamburg University; Cornelia Stroh, Bremen University; Rainer Zoll, Bremen University
Trade Unions and Interest Representation in the Context of Globalisation
Richard Hyman, The London School of Economics and Political Science

Author Meets Critics: "Good Times, Bad Times: The Welfare Myth of Them and Us" by John Hills (Policy Press 2015)
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Critics: Colin Crouch, University of Warwick; Jonathan Hopkin, London School of Economics; Stewart Lansley, University of Bristol
Book Author: John Hills, London School of Economics
Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

Clustering Strategies in Theory and Practice
F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

Session Organizers: Matthew R. Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University; Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester

Fablabs the Italian Way: Emerging Patterns in the Creation of “Local Collective Goods”
Cecilia Manzo, University of Teramo; Francesco Ramella, University of Torin
Localized Clustering of Entrepreneurship for Innovation: Social Capital and Institutional Determinants
Francisco J. Granados, Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals
Knowledge Transfer and Firm Learning in Developing Economy Clusters: Comparing the Role of Private and Public Intermediaries
Ian Clarke, University of Greenwich; Matias Ramirez, University of Sussex; Paloma Bernal, University of Sussex

Flexible and Precarious Work 3 - Well-Being
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Martin R. Schneider, University of Paderborn

Fixed-Term Contracts and Subjective Insecurity: The Impact on Workers' Well-Being
Shireen Kanji, Centre for Sustainable Work and Employment Futures, University of Leicester; Laura Helbling, University of Basel
Changes in Job Stability on the French Labor Market and Its Impact on the Quality of the Working Life
Delphine Remillon, INED; Carole Bonnet, INED; Benoît Rapoport, Paris 1 and INED
Job Insecurity and Subjective Well-Being in Russia and Germany
Tatiana Karabchuk, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Arne Kalleberg, University of North Carolina

Job Quality and Well-Being
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Andrew Pendleton, University of Durham

Employment Quality's Perceptions Among the Belgian Labour Force: The Emergence of a New Social Compromise
Fabrice Travaglianti, ValoRH, ULg; Amelie Dervaux, Lentic, HEC - ULg; Laura Beuker, CRIS, ISHS - ULg; Julie Gérard, CRIS, ISHS - ULg; François Pichault, Lentic, HEC - ULg
The Only Way Is up: The Recent Job Quality Trajectory in Australia
Christopher Warhurst, University of Warwick; Sally Anne Wright, Warwick University; Stephan Whelan, Sydney University

Alternative Arrangements with Corporate Governance Systems, and Their Impact
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Session Organizers: Sue Konzelmann, Birkbeck, University of London; Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples
Moderator: Sue Konzelmann, Birkbeck, University of London

1. Explaining the Relationship Between Firm Performance and Corporate Governance of Dutch Non-Life Insurance Companies: Dutch Mutual and Commercial Insurance Companies Compared
Frank Jan De Graaf, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences; Sebastiaan Lambalk, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
3. Alternatives within Corporate ‘Ownership'
Donald Nordberg, Bournemouth University; Dionysia Katelouzou, Kings College London
4. Corporate Responsibility and the Idea of the Firm
Laurence Cranmer, Birkbeck, University of London Centre for Corporate Governance and Ethics, Birkbeck College, University of London

Labour Relations in Times of Change and Flexibility
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Nick Krachler, Cornell University
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University

After the Social Crisis: The Transformation of Labour Relations and Work Organization at France Telecom
Virginia Doellgast, London School of Economics; Maxime Bellego, University of Aix-Marseille; Elisa Pannini, London School of Economics and Political Science
The Impact of Labour Market Flexibilisation on the First Transition to Adult Life in Different Welfare States: Does Contractual Stability Matter?
Sonia Bertolini, University of Turin, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society; Dirk Hofaecker, University of Essen; Paola Torrioni, University of Turin

New Directions in the Study of the Welfare State.
J: Rethinking the Welfare State

Session Organizer: Alexander Hicks, Emory University
Moderator: Waltraud Schelkle, London School of Economics

Labour Migration As a Social Right
Waltraud Schelkle, London School of Economics
Resilient Inequality: The Disabled, the Law, and Street Vending in Sao Paulo
Jacinto Cuvi Escobar, University of Texas at Austin

The "State" of Legitimacy: Governance after Economic Crises in Advanced and Emerging Economies
L: Regulation and Governance

Discussants: Andrew Schrank, Brown University; Mark Thatcher, LSE
Session Organizer: Ana Maria Evans, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa
Moderator: Vivien Schmidt, Departments of International Relations and Political Science, Boston University

Mechanisms of Coordination and State Permeation: A Comparison of Large Emerging Economies
Tobias ten Brink, Institut Fur Politikwissenschaft, Goethe University; Andreas Noelke, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe University; Christian May, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe University
Facing Cyclical Crises: Political Responses of State Developmentalism in Brazil (2008-2014)
Renato Boschi, IESP/UERJ and INCT-PPED; Carlos Eduardo Santos Pinho, IESP/UERJ; INCT-PPED
The Political Economy of the Transition from 'emergence' to Crisis: India in the 21st Century
Surajit Mazumdar, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Understanding Russia's Statist-Patrimonial Capitalist Model through the Analysis of State-Business Power Relations
Alexandra Vasileva, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam

Politics of Financial Crisis Management
L: Regulation and Governance

Discussant: John W Cioffi, University of California, Riverside
Session Organizers: John W Cioffi, University of California, Riverside; Frans van Waarden, UniversityCollege, Utrecht University; Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam


Desarrollo Económico
M: Spanish Language

Session Organizers: Julimar da Silva, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Santos Miguel Ruesga Benito, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Moderator: Rolando Cordera Campos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Brazil at a Crossroads: Searching for a Coherent Developmental Strategy
André Moreira, UFRGS; Pedro Cezar Dutra Fonseca, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Brazil; Marcos Tadeu Lélis, Unisinos; Julimar Bichara, UAM
Sobre La Gran Transformación De México: Modernización, Frustración y Desarrollo Esquivo
Rolando Cordera Campos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; Leonardo Lomeli, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Méxido; Leonardo Lomeli, UNAM
Democracia, Legitimación y Falacias
Ramon Nemesio Ruiz, Univ. de Valencia
Structural Reforms and Institutional Presidency in Latin America
Magna Inacio, Universidade Federal de MInas Gerais; Henrique Miranda, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Ethical Finance
N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Zeev Rosenhek, The Open University of Israel
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University

Sustainability Accounting and Reporting: A Dilution of Social Sustainability?
Stefanie Hiss, University of Jena; Sebastian Nagel, University of Jena; Bernd Teufel, University of Jena; Daniela Woschnack, University of Jena
The Good Measure of Others: Social Return on Investment and Its Role in Legitimacy-Seeking
Emily Barman, Boston University; Matthew Hall, London School of Economics; Yuval Millo, University of Leicester

People's Finance
N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Simone Polillo, University of Virginia
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University

Financial Retailers and Financial Inclusion in Chile
Carolina Pinto, Universidad de Viña del Mar; Rodrigo Figueroa, University of Chile; Javiera Correa, University of Chile
Crowdfunding in Sweden - Institutional Limits and Endogenous Possibilities.
Tiziana Sardiello, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University

Resilience in Local Systems and Emerging Issues in Industrial District, Cluster and Global Value Chain Analysis
O: Global Value Chains

Session Organizers: Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova; Joonkoo Lee, Hanyang University; Khalid Nadvi, The University of Manchester
Moderator: Joonkoo Lee, Hanyang University

Describing the Change: Evolutionary Trajectories of Industrial Districts in Global Value Chains
Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova; Gary Gereffi, Duke University; Roberto Grandinetti, University of Padova
Global Value Chains and Manufacturing: Which Role for Industrial Districts?
Marco Bettiol, University of Padova; Maria Chiarvesio, University of Udine; Eleonora Di Maria, University of Padova

Financial Actors and Institutions (I): Accounting Issues
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Discussant: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe
Session Organizers: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe; Reuven Avi-Yonah, University of Michigan; Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management
Moderator: Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management

How the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Encourages Stock-Market Manipulation, and Why It Undermines the Performance of the Economy
William Lazonick, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Ken Jacobson, The Academic-Industry Research Network
The Endogeneity of Law and the Constitution of the German Leasing Market: A Field-Level Perspective
Jan Friedrich, Goethe Universitaet; Matthias Thiemann, Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt

Auditing (I): Institutional Perspectives
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Session Organizer: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe
Moderator: Richard Henry Macve, LSE


Asian Capitalisms and Global Finance III
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Session Organizers: Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University; Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt


Technology, Innovation and Industrial Upgrading III
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Session Organizers: Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University; Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt


Financial Ecologies and Inclusion A
Domesticizing Financial Economies, Part 2

Discussant: Orsi Husz, Uppsala University
Session Organizers: JosÃÂÂÂà OssandÃÂÂÃ, Copenhagen Business School; Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po; Mariana Luzzi, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Joe Deville, Centre for the Study of Invention and Social Process

The Domesticization of Income Support. the Case of the Italian Pre-Paid Electronic Social Card
Valentina Moiso, University of Turin, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society; Sandro Busso, University of Turin; Antonella Meo, University of Turin
The Multiple Accounts of Financial Inclusion
JosÃÂÂÂà OssandÃÂÂÃ, Copenhagen Business School

Policy Legacies III: Labour Market Policies
Inequalities in Youth Labor Transitions

Session Organizers: Werner Eichhorst, IZA; Jacqueline A O'Reilly, University of Brighton

Structural Constrains, Social Policies and Youth Unemployment
Sebastian Sarasa, University of Pompeu Fabra
Understanding the Policy Assumptions Made in Youth Employment Activation from a Capability Approach
Valerie Egdell, Edinburgh Napier University; Robert Raeside, Edinburgh Napier University; Helen Graham, Edinburgh Napier University
Plus ça Change…? Innovation and Continuity in UK Youth Employment Policy in the Context of the Great Recession and Its Aftermath
Arianna Tassinari, Institute for Employment Studies; Sam Swift, Institute for Employment Studies; Kari Hadjivassiliou, Institute for Employment Studies

Defining and Measuring Inequality/Poverty: Dynamic Approaches and Policy Monitoring
Inequality of What?: Social Monitoring and the Difficult Choice of Analytical Concepts and an Implementable Metric

Session Organizer: Andrea Hense, Bielefeld University

Multidimensional Poverty Dynamics: Methodology and Results for 34 Countries
Sabina Alkire, University of Oxford; Jose Manuel Roche, Save the Children; Ana Vaz, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative
Did Poverty Reduction Reach the Poorest of the Poor? Assessment Methods in the Counting Approach
Suman Seth, University of Oxford; Sabina Alkire, University of Oxford

Income Inequality, Well-Being and Social Cohesion
Inequality: Drivers, Impacts, and Policies

Session Organizer: Herman van de Werfhorst, University of Amsterdam

Does Inequality Make People Unhappy? Evidence of the Link Between Inequality of Opportunity and Subjective Wellbeing in Europe
Laura Ravazzini, University of Neuchatel; Florian Wendelspiess Chavez Juarez, University of Geneva; Christian Suter, University of Neuchatel
Rising Income Inequality and Declining Social Cohesion in Europe
Herman van de Werfhorst, University of Amsterdam
Is It Real? Inequality and Self-Perception
Philipp Poppitz, University Hamburg
Subjective Wealth and Power Status, Status Inconsistency, and Psychological Health in China
Lei Jin, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Tony Tam, Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 - Regions, Global Value Chains and Innovation Systems
Multinational Firms: Labor, Management, and Society

Session Organizers: Phil Almond, De Montfort University; Gregor Murray, Université de Montréal; Tony Edwards, Kings College London

The Role of MNCs within the Global Aerospace Industry in Mexico
Jorge H. Carrillo, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte; Redi Gomis, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
What Makes MNC-Policy Collaborations Work in Practice?
Olga Tregaskis, University of East Anglia; Phil Almond, De Montfort University; Anthony Ferner, De Montfort University
Embedding Multinational Firms in Regional Business Systems: Neoliberal and Social-Democratic Models in Spain
Maria Carmen Gonzalez Menendez, University of Oviedo; David Luque, University of Oviedo; Gabriel Pruneda, University of Oviedo

Regulatory Intermediaries 2
Regulatory Intermediaries: Bringing together Domestic and Transnational Regulation

Session Organizers: David Levi-Faur, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Kenneth Abbott, Arizona State University; Duncan Snidal, Nuffield College

Communitizing Regulatory Problems: The Effectiveness of the Wto's Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee As a Transnational Regulatory Intermediary
Sungjoon Cho, Chicago-Kent College of Law; Cecilia M. Suh, Funkhouser Vegosen Liebman & Dunn Ltd.; Jacob Radecki, Chicago-Kent College of Law
A Critical Look at the Concept of Regulatory Intermediaries in Food Safety Regulation
Tetty Havinga, Radboud University; Paul Verbruggen, Radboud University
The Politics of Regulatory Intermediation: European ICT Standardisation
Morten Kallestrup, University of Southern Denmark

Organizational Inequality Regimes
Scrutinizing Organizational Inequalities: New Theoretical and Empirical Approaches

Discussant: Dustin Avent-Holt, Augusta State University
Session Organizers: Nina Bandelj, University of California, Irvine; Andrew Penner, University of California; Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts
Moderator: Dustin Avent-Holt, Augusta State University

The Conditions of Parenthood in Organizations: An International Comparison
Alena Krizkova, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences
Do Work-Family Policies Reduce Women's Employment Opportunities? a Firm-Level Analysis from Japan
Eunmi Mun, Amherst College; Mary C. Brinton, Harvard University
Leveling the Playing Field? Developmental Practices and Minority Representation in Professional Service Firms
Elizabeth H. Gorman, Sociology, University of Virginia; Fiona Kay, Queen's University

Group 1 - Social Coalitions, Political and Economic Crises, and Diversity of Capitalism
Social Coalitions, Political and Economic Crises, and Diversity of Capitalism

Discussant: James Mosher, Ohio University
Session Organizers: Bruno Amable, Université Paris I Panthéon - Sorbonne; Hideko Magara, Waseda University
Moderator: Marius Busemeyer, University of Konstanz

The Emergence of an Anti-Bourgeois Bloc in France
Bruno Amable, Université Paris I Panthéon - Sorbonne; Stefano Palombarini, LED Université Paris 8
Plus ça Change: Explaining Neoliberal Continuity in Chile and Estonia
Aldo Madariaga, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG)

The Foundational Economy and the Conditions for Material Security
The Foundational Economy

Session Organizer: Julie Froud, University of Manchester

The Financialization of a Social Housing Provider
Rodrigo Fernandez, KU Leuven/University of Leuven; Manuel Aalbers, University of Leuven; Jannes van Loon, KU Leuven/University of Leuven
Reorganisation for Material Security (not growth, jobs and redistribution)
Ewald Engelen, University of Amsterdam; Sukhdev Johal, Queen Mary, University of London; Angelo Salento, University of Salento; Karel Williams, N/A

No More Meltzer-Richard
The Politics of Egalitarian Policy

Discussant: Steven Sprick Schuster, Colgate University
Session Organizer: Lucy Barnes, N/A
Moderator: Lucy Margaret Goodhart, Brandeis University

The Redistributive Preferences of the Well-Off
Elvire Guillaud, University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne (CES); Michael Zemmour, Sciences Po (LIEPP)

10:15 AM-11:45 AM

Neoliberalism, Global Linkages and Citizenship in Comparative Perspective
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizers: Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College; Richard Doner, Emory University; Douglas B Fuller, Zhejiang University

Global Cities, Foreign SMEs and Access to Emerging Markets: A Conceptual and Empirical Research Discussion
Philippe Regnier, School of Management Fribourg; Pascal Olivier Wild, University of Geneva

Globalization and Inequalities: Lessons from Comparative Case Studies
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizers: Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College; Richard Doner, Emory University; Douglas B Fuller, Zhejiang University

The Government of Georgia Policies Impacting Inequality
Maia Margvelashvili, Tbilisi State University
The Problem of Overcoming Poverty in Post-Soviet Georgia
Nana Katsitadze, Tbilisi State University
The Effects of the Globalization in the Territory: Economic Inequality and of the Employment in Jalisco, Mexico.
Raquel Edith Partida Rocha, Universidad de Guadalajara; Rosario Cota Yañez, Universidad de Guadalajara

Men in Predominately Female Occupations Part 2
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Marie Buscatto, University Paris 1 Sorbonne

Ambivalent Gender Accountability. Male Florists in the Swiss Context
Nicky Le Feuvre, University of Lausanne; Isabelle Valérie Zinn, EHESS, Paris
Teachers in Primary School : A Professional Access "Negotiated"
Celine Delcroix, UPOND; Yveline Jaboin, Jssate / /UBO

Contemporary Changes in Professional Labour Markets
D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

Session Organizers: Didier Demazière, Sciences Po; James Faulconbridge, Lancaster University; Sigrid Quack, University Duisburg-Essen; Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Business School

Local Professional Managers in Globalized Organizations
Christine Musselin, Sciences Po - CNRS

Political Economy of Inequality
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

Labor Market Reform and Wage Inequality in South Korea
Hyeon-Kyeong Kim, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs; Peter Skott, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Inequality: An Industrial Relations Perspective
Isabel da Costa, CNRS-IDHES, ENS de Cachan

Author Meets Critics: "Governing Social Risks in Post-Crisis Europe" by Colin Crouch (Edward Elgar Pub 2015)
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Critics: Dorothee Bohle, Central European University; Vivien Schmidt, Boston University; Roland Erne, University College Dublin
Book Author: Colin Crouch, University of Warwick
Session Organizers: Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex; Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva

Innovation, Innovation Policy, and Inequality
F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

Session Organizers: Matthew R. Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University; Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester

Analysing, Understanding and Shaping Social Innovation
Giesecke Susanne, Austrian Institute of Technology
Internet Connectivity and Income Inequality
Johannes M. Bauer, Michigan State University

Featured Panel - Author Meets Critics: "The Cultivation of Taste- Chefs and the Organization of Fine Dining" by Christel Lane (OUP 2014)
Featured Panels & Speakers

Session Organizer: Glenn Morgan, Cardiff University
Moderator: Glenn Morgan, Cardiff University
Book Author: Christel Lane, University of Cambridge
Critics: Jens Beckert, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies; Pierre François, Sciences-Po; Woody Powell, Stanford University; Richard Whitley, University of Manchester

SER: Meet the Editors
Featured Panels & Speakers

Discussants: Gregory Jackson, Freie Universität Berlin; Bruno Amable, Université Paris I Panthéon - Sorbonne; Nina Bandelj, University of California, Irvine; David Rueda, Oxford University
Session Organizer: Gregory Jackson, Freie Universität Berlin

Gender, Work and Household in Post-Soviet Transformations
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: Sarah Ashwin, London School of Economics
Moderator: Sarah Ashwin, London School of Economics

Gendered Engineering in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia
Sarah Ashwin, London School of Economics; Irina Kozina, Higher School of Economics; Roberto M Fernandez, MIT
Money, Power and Gender Inequality in Russian Households
Alya Guseva, Department of Sociology, Boston University; Dilyara Ibragimova, National Research University Higher School of Economics
My Money, His Money, Our Money: On Gendered Discourses of Household Money Among Heterosexual Polish Couples
Marta Olcoń-Kubicka, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Labour Market Networks
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: David Bayliss, University of Manchester

Occupational and Residential Trajectories of the Homeless and How These Interact
Delphine Remillon, INED; Pascale Dietrich-Ragon, INED
Fast-Paced Networks: How Varieties of Social Capital Impact Fashion Modeling Careers
Frederic Godart, INSEAD; Ashley Mears, Boston University

Alternatives within the Political and Legal System
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Mathias Siems, Durham University
Session Organizers: Sue Konzelmann, Birkbeck, University of London; Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples
Moderator: Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples

1. Re-Inventing Industrial Strategy: Insight from Elite Sport Systems
Sue Konzelmann, Birkbeck, University of London; Marc Fovargue-Davies, Birkbeck, University of London Centre for Corporate Governance and Ethics
2. Fixing Finance: Comparative Approaches to Changing Firm Culture
John Conley, University of North Carolina School of Law; Cynthia Williams, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
3. Organizational Law and the Alternatives to Capitalist Firms in Liberal Market Economies
Francesca Gagliardi, University of Hertfordshire; David Gindis, University of Hertfordshire

Institutional Voids and Dynamics
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University

An Institutional Perspective on Firms' Efforts to Fulfill the Earnings Cult
Guilhem Bascle, Louvain School of Management, Catholic University of Louvain; Jiwook Jung, National University of Singapore
The Economic Sociology of “Institutional Voids” – a Neofunctionalist View
Kathleen Yi Jia Low, WU Vienna; James Robins, WU Vienna

Non-State Institutions in the Welfare State
J: Rethinking the Welfare State

Session Organizer: Alexander Hicks, Emory University
Moderator: Matthew Soener, The Ohio State University

The Changing Linkage of Family Members in Welfare Institutions
Patricia Frericks, Hamburg University; Julia Höppner, Hamburg University; Ralf Och, University of Hamburg; Nicola Schwindt, Hamburg University
Control Versus Capacity: The Dilemma of Marketization in Employment Services
Ian Greer, Cornell University; Karen Breidahl, University of Aalborg; Johannes Kirsch, University of Duisburg-Essen; Matthias Knuth, University of Duisburg-Essen; Lisa Schulte, University of Greenwich; Graham Symon, University of Greenwich
Firms and Labor Market Regulation
Sara Watson, Ohio State University

The Economic Extension of the State Beyond Domestic Borders and Implications for Market Governance
L: Regulation and Governance

Discussant: Andreas Noelke, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe University
Session Organizers: Mark Thatcher, LSE; Tim Vlandas, Reading University
Moderator: Andreas Noelke, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe University


Governance By Rule? the Changing Role of Rules and Their Limits
L: Regulation and Governance

Discussant: Frans van Waarden, UniversityCollege, Utrecht University
Session Organizers: John W Cioffi, University of California, Riverside; Frans van Waarden, UniversityCollege, Utrecht University; Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam
Moderator: Frans van Waarden, UniversityCollege, Utrecht University

The Changing State-Media Relations Since the Chinese Economic Reform
Xuan Jin, University of California at Berkeley
Solidarity, Markets, and the Regulation of Flood Risks: Insurance and Its Limits
Kristian Krieger, Université catholique de Louvain; David Demeritt, King's College

Crisis, Austeridad y Bienestar
M: Spanish Language

Session Organizers: Julimar da Silva, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Santos Miguel Ruesga Benito, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Julimar Bichara, UAM
Moderator: Carmen Diaz-Roldan, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Políticas De Gasto En Tiempos De Crisis: Es Posible La Austeridad?
Carmen Diaz-Roldan, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; Carmelo Monteagudo-Cuerva, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Grade Retention and Academic Performance in Spain. an Approach By an Pseudo-Panel.
Mauro Mediavilla, University of Valencia; Javier Valbuena, University of Girona; Alvaro Choi, University of Barcelona; María Gil, Autonomous University of Madrid

The Local-Global Nexus and the Sustainability Challenge
O: Global Value Chains

Session Organizers: Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova; Joonkoo Lee, Hanyang University; Khalid Nadvi, The University of Manchester
Moderator: Valentina De Marchi, University of Padova

Local Responses to Global Market Pressures in the Textile and Apparel Industry: Evidence from Six Northern Italian Companies
Ruggero Golini, University of Bergamo; Barbara Resta, University of Bergamo; Stefano Dotti, University of Bergamo; Matteo Kalchschmidt, University of Bergamo
Industrial Clusters and the Institutionalization of Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries: The Role of International Donor Funding
Anjum Fayyaz, Lahore University of Management Sciences; Peter Lund-Thomsen, Copenhagen Business School; Adam Lindgreen, Cardiff Business School
Managing Product Innovation in Global Value Chains: Why Co-Location Still Matters
Giulio Buciuni, Ca' Foscari University of Venice; Vladi Finotto, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

Financial Actors and Institutions (II): Social Construction of Value
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Discussant: Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management
Session Organizer: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe
Moderator: Thierry Kirat, IRISSO / CNRS - University PARIS DAUPHINE

How Social Categories Affect Market Prices
Sheen Levine, The University of Texas at Dallas

Auditing (II): Implementation Issues in Developing Countries
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Session Organizers: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe; Reuven Avi-Yonah, University of Michigan; Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management
Moderator: Yousuf Kamal, University of Dhaka

Models of Economics Development and Accounting Practices in Colombia
Aida Patricia Calvo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Audit Committee Financial Expertise and Audit Report Lag: Malaysia Further Insights
Zalailah Salleh, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu; Saeed Rabea Ali Baatwah, Hadhramout University; Norsiah Ahmad, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin

Technology, Innovation and Industrial Upgrading IV
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Session Organizers: Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University; Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt

Alternative Strategies for Technological Ascent? China Versus Japan
Jiajia Liu, University of Manchester; Andrew Tylecote, University of Sheffield

Varieties and Diversity of Asian Capitalisms II
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Session Organizers: Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt


Financial Ecologies and Inclusion B
Domesticizing Financial Economies, Part 2

Discussant: JosÃÂÂÂà OssandÃÂÂÃ, Copenhagen Business School
Session Organizers: JosÃÂÂÂà OssandÃÂÂÃ, Copenhagen Business School; Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po; Mariana Luzzi, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Joe Deville, Centre for the Study of Invention and Social Process

Public Policies, Financial Inclusion and Inequalities: A Review of Recent Trends in India and Mexico
Solene Morvant, University of Geneva, Faculté des Sciences de la Société; Cyril Fouillet, ESSCA Business School

The Changing Pattern of Employers' Collective Action
Employers’ Organizations, Business Interest Representation, and Employer Collective Action

Discussant: David Yeandle, Member of Employers' Group at European Economic and Social Committee
Session Organizers: Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University; Edmund Heery, Cardiff University; Leon Gooberman, Cardiff University

Adapting to Change: Employers' Organisations in Contemporary Britain
Leon Gooberman, Cardiff University; Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University; Edmund Heery, Cardiff University

Policy Legacies IV: The Role of Insitutions
Inequalities in Youth Labor Transitions

Session Organizers: Andy Hodder, University of Birmingham; Jacqueline O'Reilly, N/A

The interrelationships between the Europe 2020 social inclusion indicators
Andras Gabos, TARKI Social Research Institute; Sara Ayllon, Universitat de Girona
Youth Transition Trajectories Across Europe: The Role of Institutional Background
Gabriele Mazzolini, DEM, University of Trento; Gabriella Berloffa, DEM, University of Trento; Paola Villa, DEM, University of Trento
The Youth Guarantee – a Case of Europeanisation of Almp?
Margherita Bussi, ETUI; Paolo R. Graziano, Bocconi University

Happiness / Subjective Well-Being and Its Determinants
Inequality of What?: Social Monitoring and the Difficult Choice of Analytical Concepts and an Implementable Metric

Session Organizer: Ortrud Lessmann, Helmut-Schmidt University


Intergenerational Wealth Inequality
Inequality: Drivers, Impacts, and Policies

Session Organizer: Ive Marx, University of Antwerp

How Rigid Is the U.S. Wealth Structure? Inter- and Multigenerational Correlations in Family Wealth
Fabian T. Pfeffer, University of Michigan; Alexandra Killewald, Harvard University
Family Wealth and Children's Educational Outcomes in Sweden - an Extended Family Approach
Martin Hällsten, Stockholm University; Fabian T. Pfeffer, University of Michigan
The Impact of Inheritances in the Portuguese Wealth Distribution
Carlos Farinha Rodrigues, CEMAPRE - Lisbon School of Economics and Management; Isabel Andrade, CEMAPRE - Lisbon School of Economics and Management

2 - Multinationals and national employment models
Multinational Firms: Labor, Management, and Society

Session Organizers: Phil Almond, De Montfort University; Gregor Murray, Université de Montréal; Tony Edwards, Kings College London

The Organizational Consequences of Host Country Institutions on Mnes: The Case of Work and Employment Relations
Geoffrey Wood, Warwick University; Chris Brewster, University of Reading; Michael Brookes, University of Newcastle
The Distinctiveness of Employment Relations within Multinationals: Empirical Evidence on Patterns of Developmental Concerns
Jacques Belanger, Laval University; Valeria Pulignano, KU Leuven; Nadja Doerflinger, KU Leuven
Expatriation Strategies for the Adaptation of Employment Modes to Different Market Economies
Johannes Meuer, University of Zurich; Marlies Kluike, University of Tuebingen; Uschi Backes-Gellner, University of Zurich; Kerstin Pull, University of Tuebingen

Regulatory Intermediaries 3
Regulatory Intermediaries: Bringing together Domestic and Transnational Regulation

Session Organizers: David Levi-Faur, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Kenneth Abbott, Arizona State University; Duncan Snidal, Nuffield College

Farm to Flight: Orchestration, Social Networks and the Transnational Environmental Governance of Aviation
Lasse Folke Henriksen, Copenhagen Business School; Stefano Ponte, Copenhagen Business School
Big Third Party Certifiers and the Construction of Transnational Regulation
Jean-Pierre Galland, Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, LATTS, IFRIS

Hiring, Selection and Sorting Processes
Scrutinizing Organizational Inequalities: New Theoretical and Empirical Approaches

Discussant: Are Skeie Hermansen, University of Oslo
Session Organizers: Nina Bandelj, University of California, Irvine; Andrew Penner, University of California; Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts
Moderator: Are Skeie Hermansen, University of Oslo

Best in Class? the Returns on Endorsement in Business School Admissions
Emilio J. Castilla, Massachusetts Insitute of Technology; Benjamin A Rissing, Brown University
Sorting Teachers into Schools: Teacher Hiring and the Reproduction of Inequality
Emily Penner, Stanford University; Jane Rochmes, Stanford University
Protecting Hiring Managers from Themselves: Organizational Dynamics and Discriminatory Online Candidate Screening
Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University; Amanda K. Damarin, Georgia Perimeter College; Scott Grether, North Carolina State University

Group 2 - Social Coalitions, Political and Economic Crises, and Diversity of Capitalism
Social Coalitions, Political and Economic Crises, and Diversity of Capitalism

Discussant: Erik Bengtsson, University of Gothenburg
Session Organizers: Bruno Amable, Université Paris I Panthéon - Sorbonne; Hideko Magara, Waseda University
Moderator: Philippe Schmitter, European University Institute

Cost of Democracy: Changing Aspects of Modern Democracy
Hiroshi Shiratori, Hosei University
Economic Crises and Democratic Accountability
Philippe Schmitter, European University Institute
Precarity and No Resistance? Towards an Explanation of an Apparent Paradox in Western Societies
Svenja Flechtner, University of Flensburg; Gloria Kutscher, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Department of Management, Institut for Gender and Diversity in Organizations

Food, Culture and Consumption in the Foundational Economy
The Foundational Economy

Session Organizer: Julie Froud, University of Manchester

Foundational Economy from the Bottom-up: The Case of Alternative Food Networks
Filippo Barbera, University of Torino; Joselle Dagnes, University of Torino
Integrated Risk Management to Measure the Performance of the Agri-Food Sector.
Maria Jesus Munoz, University Jaume I; Juana Maria Rivera, University Jaume I; Raul Leon, Unversidad de Zaragoza

No More Material Interests
The Politics of Egalitarian Policy

Discussant: Ignacio Jurado, University of York
Session Organizer: Lucy Barnes, N/A
Moderator: Deborah Mabbett, Birkbeck

Disentangling Preferences for Multi-Dimensional Policies: A Conjoint Experiment
Paul Marx, University of Southern Denmark; Jose Fernandez-Alberto, Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos; Aina Gallego, Institut de Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals
Whose News? How Economic News Responds to the Distribution of Gains and Losses
Timothy Hicks, N/A; Alan Jacobs, University of British Columbia; Scott Matthews, Memorial University of Newfoundland; Eric Merkley, University of British Columbia

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

Featured Speaker Mariana Mazzucato (University of Sussex) - Innovation and Inequality: A Different Interpretation
Featured Panels & Speakers

Session Organizers: Glenn Morgan, Cardiff University; David Marsden, London School of Economics

Featured Speaker Nancy DiTomaso (Rutgers University) - Race and Politics in the U.S.: The American Non-Dilemma
Featured Panels & Speakers

Session Organizers: Glenn Morgan, Cardiff University; David Marsden, London School of Economics

Featured Speaker Stephen Machin (University College London) - What Do We Know about the Causes of Growing Wage Inequality?
Featured Panels & Speakers

Session Organizers: Glenn Morgan, Cardiff University; David Marsden, London School of Economics

2:15 PM-3:45 PM

Urban Communities and Communitarian Ideals
A: Communitarian Ideals and Civil Society

Session Organizer: José A. Ruiz San Roman, Universidad Complutense Madrid

Citizens' Giving Behavior in Urban China: Findings from Beijing, Guangzhou and Kunming
Tao Lin, Peking University; Kinman Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Jiangang Zhu, Sun Yat-Sen University; Terence Yuen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Political Economy of the Middle-Income Trap
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizer: Richard Doner, Emory University

Why Is It a Trap: The Political Economy of the Middle-Income Trap
Richard Doner, Emory University; Ben Schneider, MIT
"Spurred to Upgrade: A Review of Triggers of Change in the Global Value Chain Literature."
Albert Fuentes, Georgia Institute of Technology; Seth Pitkin, UC Irvince
Elite Preferences, Policy Influence and the Middle-Income Trap
Stefan Panther, Europa-Universitat Flensburg

B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizers: Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College; Richard Doner, Emory University; Douglas B Fuller, Zhejiang University

Ofdi Promotion Policies in Emerging Economies: The Brazilian and Chinese Strategies
Luiz Caseiro, University of São Paulo; Gilmar Masiero, University of São Paulo
On Maquila, Diamonds and Telecom: Building a Theoretical Classification of FDI in Developing Countries
Iliana Olivie, Elcano Royal Institute; Aitor Perez, Elcano Royal Institute
Multilatinas’ reputation at a crossroads: Accounting for their social irresponsibility across different institutional environments
Elisa Giuliani, Università  di Pisa (P.I. 00286820501); Davide Fiaschi, University of Pisa; Federica Nieri, University of Pisa
Productive Capacity, Diversification and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in LDC
Helio Henkin, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Carlos Schonerwald, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Gender and Work/Life Interferences in Scientific Careers Part 2
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Farah Dubois-Shaik, Université catholique de Louvain

Bridging the Gap Between Life and Work for Female Academics: The Role of Leadership
Gulsun Saglamer, Istanbul Technical University; Hulya Caglayan, Istanbul Technical University
Gender, Work and Family in French Academia: A Case Study
Viviane Albenga, Sciences Po; Anne Boring, Sciences Po; Marta Dominguez-Folgueras, Sciences Po
Gender, Work and Flexible Careers Across the Life Course
Jennifer Tomlinson, University of Leeds; Marian Baird, University of Sydney; Peter Berg, Michigan State University; Rae Cooper, University of Sydney

Organizing Work and Workers
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

Manufacturing in Europe, 1995-2010: Reconfiguring Interests and Institutions
Amy Erbe Healy, NUI Maynooth; Sean O Riain, Maynooth University
The Spatial Politics of Work
Victoria Hattam, New School for Social Research

State Intervention and Public Policy
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

Contemporary Industrial Policy in North America – Navigating Economic Transition
Dan Herman, Balsillie School of International Affairs
Fiscal Policy, Wealth and Income Distribution
Nora Claudia Ampudia, Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara
Innovation Contests and the Role of Public Agencies in the USA
Isabelle Liotard, CEPN university of Paris 13; Valerie Revest, TRIANGLE

Labor Regimes, Public Policies, and Innovation
F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

Session Organizers: Matthew R. Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University; Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester

Firms' Strategies and Institutions: International Competition and the Fate of German Solar Photovoltaic Companies
Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester; Maria Allen, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School

Gender Inequality
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Chiara Benassi, Royal Holloway, University of London

Austerity and Gender Equality in Two Flexible Labour Markets: The Cases of Spain and the UK
Jill Rubery, The University of Manchester; Marti Lopez Andreu, University of Manchester
Employment and Non-Employment : A Gender Perspective
Mathilde Guergoat-Lariviere, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, LIRSA & CEE; Séverine Lemière, Université Paris-Descartes
Explaining Gender Discrimination in the Employment and Earnings of Engineering Graduates in India
Pradeep Kumar Choudhury, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development
Marriage Market and the Distribution of Returns to Higher Education: A Dynamic Microsimulation Perspective for France
Pierre Courtioux, EDHEC Business School; Vincent Lignon, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and INED

Measuring Skills
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Christine Erhel, University Paris 1

A Task Based Approach to Assessing Skills
Matthew Bidwell, The University of Pennsylvania
Measuring the Specificity of Occupational Training Curricula and Labor Market Flexibility
Christian Eggenberger, University of Zurich; Miriam Rinawi, University of Zurich; Uschi Backes-Gellner, University of Zurich
Evaluating Continuing Vocational Training: An Activity Theory Approach
Michela Bolis, Catholic University of Milan; Ivana Pais, Catholic University of Milan; Silvia Ivaldi, Università Cattolica
Skills Forecasting: What Lessons Can be Drawn for Education and Training Policies in Germany?
Nicola Helene Duell, Economix Research & Consulting, managing partner

Pay and Incentives
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Shireen Kanji, Centre for Sustainable Work and Employment Futures, University of Leicester

Working from Home: What Is the Effect on Employees' Effort?
Kira Pauka, University of Basel; Michael Beckmann, University of Basel
Fair Wages and Employee Effort: Microeconometric Evidence
Patric Georges Diriwaechter, University of Basel
Performance-oriented practices and outsourcing in voluntary organisations in the UK
Bethania Antunes, University of Greenwich - Work and Employment Research Unit (WERU); Amy Humphris, University of Brighton
Ownership, Governance, and Pay in Britain
Andrew Pendleton, University of Durham; Howard Gospel, King's College; Alex Bryson, NIESR

Socio-Economics of Labour Markets
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Anna Ilsøe, FAOS, Department of Sociology, Copenhagen University

Labour Market Segmentation and Youth Employment Insertion in France: A Job-Finding Channels Approach
Guillemette de Larquier, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, EconomiX; Géraldine Rieucau, Paris 8, LED
A Socio-Economic Perspective Labour Markets
David Marsden, London School of Economics
Socio-Economic Typology of Employment: Labour and Educational Constituents
Arkadiy Tuchkov, St. Petersburg State Economic University

Skills and Training
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Sophia Seung-yoon Lee, Ewha Womans University

Labor Market of Knowledge Workers: Innovation and Inequality in Brazil
Patricia Silveira Rivero, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - NEPP-DH/UFRJ
Occupational Transitions of Youth in Europe. Evidence from Four European Countries
Valentina Goglio, European Commission - Joint Research Center; Roberto Rizza, University of Bologna

Alternatives within National Financial Systems: Innovation, Heterogeneity, Sustainability
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Luca Andriani, Birkbeck University of London
Session Organizers: Sue Konzelmann, Birkbeck, University of London; Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples
Moderator: Donald Nordberg, Bournemouth University

1. Alternatives within an Isomorphic Field: Theorizing and Measuring Heterogeneity in Italian Banking, 1994-2012
Olivier Butzbach, Second University of Naples; Elvira Romano, Second University of Naples
3. Adaptability of the Grameen Model in the Context of the UK
Asif Aftab Kalam, Birkbeck, University of London

The Emergence of New Markets
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Emily Erikson, Yale University
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University

Open to Competition? the Role of Competitive Intensity in the Legitimization of Young, Innovative Ventures
D. Hugh Whittaker, University of Oxford; Benjamin P. Fath, University of Auckland Business School; Antje Fiedler, The University of Auckland
Is Machiavelli Relevant to the Contemporary Art World?
Anna Dempster, Sotheby's Institute of Art

Welfare State and Inequality
J: Rethinking the Welfare State

Session Organizer: Alexander Hicks, Emory University
Moderator: Martin Schuerz, Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Private Wealth Across European Countries: The Role of Income, Inheritance and the Welfare State
Martin Schuerz, Oesterreichische Nationalbank; Pirmin Fessler, OeNB
Welfare State and Industrial Transformations: The Dynamics of Inequality and the Challenge of Policy Alignment.
Hassan Akram, Wake Forest University; Antonio Andreoni, SOAS University of London
Welfare State and Industrial Transformations: The Dynamics of Inequality and the Challenge of Policy Alignment.
Hassan Akram, Wake Forest University; Antonio Andreoni, SOAS University of London

A New EU? Transformative Consequences of the Eurozone Crisis
L: Regulation and Governance

Discussant: Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam
Session Organizers: John W Cioffi, University of California, Riverside; Frans van Waarden, UniversityCollege, Utrecht University; Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam

Europeanization of Social Policies: Benchmarking the Implementation of the European Social Dialogue Agreements
Emmanuelle Perin, Universite catholique de Louvain; Thomas Prosser, Cardiff University
Eurozone Governance and the Asymmetric Distribution of the Costs of Adjustment: The Contingent Influence of the Ideas of Policy-Makers
Michel Goyer, University of Birmingham; Miguel Glatzer, LaSalle University; Rocio Valdivielso del Real, Liverpool John Moores University
Austicurity? Unpacking EU Labour Market Policy in the Aftermath of the Financial Crash
Thomas Hastings, Research Associate; Jason Heyes, University of Sheffield

Desigualdad Económica y Social/1
M: Spanish Language

Session Organizers: Julimar da Silva, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Santos Miguel Ruesga Benito, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Moderator: Alcides Goularti Filho, UNESC

Earnings Distribution of Cuban Immigrants in the United States: Evidence from Quantile Regression.
Aleida Cobas Valdes, Universidad del País Vasco; Ana Fernández-Sainz, Universidad del País Vasco
Políticas De Austeridad y Desigualdad: El Caso Español
Carlos Ochando Claramunt, Universidad de valencia; José Vicente Soler Gironés, Universidad de Valencia
Marginación, Pobreza y Desigualdades En Localidades Indígenas De Chiapas, México
Jorge Alberto Lopez Arevalo, UNACH; Gerardo Nuñez Medina, UNACH
Financialization, Non-Financial Corporations and Income Inequality
Ignacio Alvarez, Complutense Institute of International Studies (ICEI)

Author Meets Critics: "Conservatives Versus Wildcats: A Sociology of Financial Conflict" by Simone Polillo (Stanford University Press 2013)
N: Finance and Society

Critics: Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Business School; Sabine Montagne, CNRS; Leon Jesse Wansleben, London School of Economics
Book Author: Simone Polillo, University of Virginia
Session Organizer: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego

Household Debt I
N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Mikolaj Lewicki, University of Warsaw
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University

Historical Institutionalism and the Comparative Study of Bankruptcy Law

The Importance of Place in Gvc Analysis
O: Global Value Chains

Session Organizers: Gary Gereffi, Duke University; Mari Sako, University of Oxford; Timothy Sturgeon, MIT; Eric Thun, University of Oxford

Industrial Downgrading? the Television Industry in Mexico. Technological Change and Cluster “Deformation”
Janette Brito, UABC; Jorge H. Carrillo, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte; Redi Gomis, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

Financial Actors and Institutions (III): Rise and Shortcomings of International Finance
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Session Organizers: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe; Reuven Avi-Yonah, University of Michigan; Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management
Moderator: Jean-Baptiste Pons, Mines Paristech

From the Hybridisation of the French Banking Model to the Rise of Global Leaders: The French State's Key Role in Developing Asset Management
Nicolas Bedu, GREThA, University of Bordeaux; Caroline Granier, GREThA, University of Bordeaux

Auditing (III): Regulatory Architectures
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Discussant: Richard Henry Macve, LSE
Session Organizers: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe; Reuven Avi-Yonah, University of Michigan; Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management
Moderator: Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management

The Accounting Court: Some Speculations on Why Not?
Gary Kleinman, Montclair State University; Pamela Jean Strickland, Methodist University; Asokan Anandarajan, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Technology, Innovation and Industrial Upgrading V
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Session Organizers: Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University; Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt

Entrepreneurial Capabilities and the State: The Emergence of Korea's on-Line Gaming Industry
Steven Casper, Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt

Inequalities and welfare I
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Session Organizers: Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University; Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt


Multiple Currencies A
Domesticizing Financial Economies, Part 2

Discussant: Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po
Session Organizers: JosÃÂÂÂà OssandÃÂÂÃ, Copenhagen Business School; Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po; Mariana Luzzi, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Joe Deville, Centre for the Study of Invention and Social Process

Mapping Dollar Transactions: Usdollar Uses and Meanings in Argentine Economy
Mariana Luzzi, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Ariel Wilkis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

The Different Roles of Employers' Organisations in Employment Relations
Employers’ Organizations, Business Interest Representation, and Employer Collective Action

Discussant: Edmund Heery, Cardiff University
Session Organizers: Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University; Edmund Heery, Cardiff University; Leon Gooberman, Cardiff University

Employer Engagement in Welfare to Work Programmes: A Comparative Analysis of the UK and Denmark
Jo Ingold, University of Leeds; Danat Valizade, University of Leeds
From Industry to Issue-Based Association: Changing Forms of Collective Action Amongst UK Employers
Edmund Heery, Cardiff University; Leon Gooberman, Cardiff University; Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University
Employer Association at Work: Competitive Tripartism and the Singapore National Employers' Federation (SNEF) 1980-2000
Kah Chun Bernard Gan, School of Management, University of New South Wales; Peter Sheldon, School of Management, University of New South Wales; David E Morgan, School of Management, University of New South Wales

Youth Voice I: Representation at Work
Inequalities in Youth Labor Transitions

Session Organizers: Andy Hodder, University of Birmingham; Lefteris Kretsos, University of Greenwich; Jacqueline A O'Reilly, University of Brighton

Trade Unions and Young Workers in Seven EU Countries
Maarten Keune, University of Amsterdam
Trade Union Youth Sections and Social Media - Evidence from the UK
Andy Hodder, University of Birmingham; David Houghton, University of Birmingham
Trade Union Renewal through Young Workers: Adaptation Process of Two Union Organizations in Canada
Melanie Laroche, Université de Montréal; Mélanie Dufour-Poirier, Université de Montréal
Who Needs Whom ? Trade Unions and the Youth in Belgium
Nadja Doerflinger, KU Leuven - CESO; Valeria Pulignano, KU Leuven - CESO

Multidimensional Measurement of Quality of Life and Capabilities
Inequality of What?: Social Monitoring and the Difficult Choice of Analytical Concepts and an Implementable Metric

Session Organizer: Juergen Kaedler, SOFI Göttingen

Inequality of What? Socioeconomic Reporting and Capability, Participation and Precariousness
Ortrud Lessmann, Helmut-Schmidt University; Peter Bartelheimer, SOFI (Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut)
A Model to Measure Inequalities and Quality of Life.
Graciela Tonon, Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora

Inequality: A Broader View
Inequality: Drivers, Impacts, and Policies

Session Organizers: Abigail McKnight, LSE; Wiemer Salverda, University of Amsterdam

Unpicking Piketty
Michael Roberts, Independent Researcher
Social mobility in Europe
Anna Ludwinek, Eurofound

Regulatory Intermediaries 4
Regulatory Intermediaries: Bringing together Domestic and Transnational Regulation

Session Organizers: David Levi-Faur, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Kenneth Abbott, Arizona State University; Duncan Snidal, Nuffield College

Trust Problems in Interdependent Regulatory Chains
Frans van Waarden, UniversityCollege, Utrecht University
From Private Governance to State Regulation of Ethical Markets?
Sara Jane McCaffrey, Franklin & Marshall College; Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College

Linked Employer-Employee Data and Organizational Inequalities
Scrutinizing Organizational Inequalities: New Theoretical and Empirical Approaches

Discussant: Olivier Godechot, Sciences Po, MaxPo and CNRS
Session Organizers: Nina Bandelj, University of California, Irvine; Andrew Penner, University of California; Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts
Moderator: Olivier Godechot, Sciences Po, MaxPo and CNRS

Market Transformation and the Opportunity Structure for Gender Inequality: A Cohort Analysis Using Linked Employer-Employee Data from Slovenia
Joseph King, University of California, Irvine; Andrew Penner, UC Irvine; Nina Bandelj, University of California, Irvine; Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrcela, University of Ljubljana
The Intergenerational Transmission of Employers in Norway
Are Skeie Hermansen, University of Oslo
Organizational Inequalities: First Estimates of Wage Dispersion in German Workplaces
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts; Peter Jacobebbinghaus, Bielefeld University and IAB

Group 3 - Social Coalitions, Political and Economic Crises, and Diversity of Capitalism
Social Coalitions, Political and Economic Crises, and Diversity of Capitalism

Discussant: Engelbert Stockhammer, Kingston University London
Session Organizers: Bruno Amable, Université Paris I Panthéon - Sorbonne; Hideko Magara, Waseda University
Moderator: Baptiste Francon, BETA Lorraine

Abenomics and Japanese Politics
Masanobu Ido, Waseda University

Contracting and (dis)Organising Public Services in the Foundational Economy
The Foundational Economy

Session Organizer: Julie Froud, University of Manchester

Public strategies facing marketization of waste management
Dario Minervini, University of Naples “Federico II”
Regional Extraction and the Foundational Economy
Adam Leaver, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester
What a Waste! the Process and Outcome of Outsourcing
Julie Froud, University of Manchester; Adam Leaver, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester; Michael Moran, University of Manchester

Predistributive Institutions and Policies
The Politics of Egalitarian Policy

Discussant: Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin
Session Organizer: Lucy Barnes, N/A
Moderator: Timothy Hicks, N/A


4:00 PM-5:30 PM

Crisis, Change and Continuity: (re-)Establishing Macroeconomic Governability in Europe and Beyond
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Discussants: Vivien Schmidt, Departments of International Relations and Political Science, Boston University; Bob Hancke, LSE
Session Organizers: Benjamin Braun, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies; Ronen Mandelkern, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
Moderator: Bob Hancke, LSE


B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizers: Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College; Richard Doner, Emory University; Douglas B Fuller, Zhejiang University

Social Justice in the 21st Century: A Study of MNEs Tax Avoidance and Government Policies
Mahtab Akhavan Farshchi, London South Bank University; Herman Belgraver, The Queen's University Management School

Development from an Ecological Perspective
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizers: Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College; Richard Doner, Emory University; Douglas B Fuller, Zhejiang University

The Green Economy Proposal in Latin America: Continuity of the Globalization after Its Crisis
Pablo Sigfrido Corte Cruz, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla; Pablo Sigfrido Corte Cruz, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Women and Climate Change. an Indispensable Element in Developing Countries
Gemma Duran-Romero, Professor; Jose Antonio Negrin-de la Peña, Professor

Gender and Work/Life Interferences in Scientific Careers Part 3
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Farah Dubois-Shaik, Université catholique de Louvain

Gendertime; Impact Evaluation As Part of the Learning Process
Karin Siebenhandl, Donau-Universität Krems; Eva Mayr, Donau-Universität Krems; Michaela Gindl, Donau-Universität Krems; Valentina Janev, Pupin
Teleworking As a Measure of Work-Life Balance and a Factor of Quality at the University of Padua
Marina De Rossi, University of Padua; Emilia Restiglian, University of Padua
About Glass Ceiling Index GCI
Silvana Badaloni, University of Padova; Anne-Sophie Godfroy, Université Paris Est - Créteil; Lorenza Perini, University of Padova

Cross-border Migration of Professionals: Upward or Downward Mobility?
D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

Session Organizers: Didier Demazière, Sciences Po; James Faulconbridge, Lancaster University; Sigrid Quack, University Duisburg-Essen; Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Business School

Socio-Economic Insertion of Latin American Professionals in Canada: Understanding Complexity through Self-Representations and Descriptive Data
Sébastien Arcand, Hautes Études Commerciales - Montréal; Victor Armony, University of Quebec at Montreal

The Crisis and Employment Relations
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex


Labor Market Institutions, Wages and Employment
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

"Sixty Five Years of National Minimum Wage: Assessing the French Experience"
Jerome Gautie, University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne
Does Labour Law Increase Youth and Total Unemployment? Analysis of a New Dataset for 31 Countries
Prabirjit Sarkar, Jadavpur University; Simon Deakin, University of Cambridge

Employee Involvement, Employee Downsizing, and Employment in Small Firms
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

Equal amongst Unequals: Comparing the Employee share ownership experience in the UK and Korea
Sukanya Sen Gupta, University of London; Yeong Joon Yoon, Cornell University
Corporate Restructuring in Hard Times: Institutions and Interests in the Implementation of Employee Downsizing Measures in Germany (2008-2013)
Michel Goyer, University of Birmingham; Shabneez Bhankaraully, University of Birmingham; Ian Clark, university of Leicester

Institutions, EcoSystems, and Innovation
F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

Session Organizers: Matthew R. Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University; Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester

Policy Support for Intangible Assets: A Varieties of Capitalism Perspective
Fabian Bocek, Goethe-University Frankfurt; Alexander Ebner, Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt
Varieties of Entreprenerial Ecosystems
Jan Peter van den Toren, Birch Research; Erik Stam, Utrecht University

LM Policy
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Asif Aftab Kalam, Birkbeck, University of London

The Use of a French Employment Program Activite Reduite : Determinants and Trajectories of Jobseekers
Sabina Issehnane, CEE; Leila Oumeddour, CEE; Fabrice Gilles, Lille 1 University; Florent Sari, University of Nantes

HRM: Performance
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Delphine Remillon, Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi

Between Exit and Voice: Russian and Finnish Employees' Responses to Unmet Expectations
Evgeniya Balabanova, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Employee Experience of High Performance HRM Practices: A Comparison Between International Joint Venture and Local Banks in Saudi Arabia'
Yazeed Falaih, Royal Holloway University of London; Alice Lam, Royal Holloway, University of London

G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Dirk Hofaecker, University of Essen

Do Less Skilled Workers Face Crodwing out in the Brazilian Urban Labor Market?
Maria Cristina Cacciamali, University of São Paulo; Tania de Toledo Lima, Federal University of São Carlos; Fabio Tatei, University of São Paulo
ARE Overweight Job Applicants Disadvantaged? Assessing the IMPACT of Adiposity on Employment Chances
Andrew Timming, University of St Andrews; Dennis Nickson, University of Strathclyde; David Perrett, University of St Andrews; Daniel Re, University of Toronto

Transformation of the German Labour Market
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Renate Neubaeumer, IZA research fellow

Remigration of Employees to Eastern Germany
Dieter Bogai, Institute for Employment Research; Holger Seibert, Scientific staff; Mirko Wesling, Scientific staff
Continuity and Change in the German Labor Market
David Brady, WZB Berlin Social Science Center; Thomas Biegert, WZB Berlin Social Science Center; Sigurt Vitols, WZB Berlin Social Science Center

Varieties of Capitalism in a Changing World
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Laure-Emmanuelle Leguy, Warwick Business School
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University


The Political Dynamics of Capitalism
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Richard Deeg, Temple University
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University

Law and Finance in Emerging Economies: The Case of Germany 1800-1913
Carsten Gerner-Beuerle, London School of Economics

Supplier and Service Relatioships in Changing Capitalist Economies
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Jung Wook Shim, Kyoto Sangyo University
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University

Who Owns Client-Professional Relationships-the Merging Firm or the Merged Firm?: Post-Merger Integration through Client Sharing Between Audit Firms
Masaru Karube, Hitotsubashi University; Hironori Fukukawa, Hitotsubashi University; Israel Drori, College of management Academic Studies
Interdependent Behavior in Plant Location Choice: Japanese Auto-Parts Firms' Entry in China
Hideyuki Takenouchi, Sophia University; Yasuhiro Saito, Obirin Univeristy; Ichiro Takahashi, Jissen Women's university
Relational Structure of Global Automotive Industry: Groups, Networks and Fields
Mario Sacomano Neto, Federal University of Sao Carlos - UFSCar; Paulo Cesar Matui, Federal University os São Carlos; Silvio Eduardo Alvarez Candido, Federal University of Sao Carlos - UFSCar; Roniberto Morato do Amaral, Federal University os São Carlos

The Power of Market Fundamentalism: Karl Polanyi's Critique (Roundtable Discussion)
L: Regulation and Governance

Discussants: Craig Calhoun, LSE; Maurice Glasman, London Metropolitan University; Michael McQuarrie, London School of Economics; Margaret Somers, University of Michigan
Session Organizer: David Woodruff, London School of Economics

Desigualdad Económica y Social/2
M: Spanish Language

Session Organizers: Julimar da Silva, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Santos Miguel Ruesga Benito, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Moderator: Laura Perez Ortiz, Universidad Autónoma Madrid

Desigualdad En La Distribución Del Trabajo Doméstico y De Cuidados: Zhacia Una Democratización?
Matxalen Legarreta, University of the Basque Country-UPV/EHU; Cristina Garcia-Sainz, Economics
Desigualdad y Calidad En El Empleo
Laura Perez Ortiz, Universidad Autónoma Madrid; Ana Isabel Viñas Apaolaza, Universidad Europea de Madrid; Elena Cachon, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Emprendimiento, Espacio y Desigualdad De Ingresos. El Caso De Chile
Miguel Atienza, Universidad Catolica del Norte; Marcelo Lufin, Universidad Católica del Norte; Gianni Romani, Universidad Católica del Norte
Concentration of Income and Slow Growth in America Latina
Albino Luna, UNAM; Gustavo Vargas, UNAM

Central Bank
N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Daniel Maman, Ben-Gurion University
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University

From Wicksell to Le Bourva: The ‚Compensation Thesis' in Monetary Theory
Dirk H. Ehnts, Bard College Berlin; Nicolas Barbaroux, University of St Etienne

Household Debt II
N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Alya Guseva, Boston University
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University

Foreign Exchange Mortgages As Market Devices.
Mikolaj Lewicki, University of Warsaw
The Portfolio Society in Europe: Financial Intensification and Household Debt in Six Countries
Tod Van Gunten, Universidad Carlos III; Edo Navot, University of Haifa

Testing and Broadening the Gvc Framework
O: Global Value Chains

Session Organizers: Gary Gereffi, Duke University; Mari Sako, University of Oxford; Timothy Sturgeon, MIT; Eric Thun, University of Oxford
Moderator: Gary Gereffi, Duke University

From Governance to Corporate Strategy: Injecting Management Studies into Global Value Chain Research
Mari Sako, University of Oxford; Ezequiel Zilberberg, Said Business School

Governance and Regulation in Financial Markets and Institutions: Search for Resilience and Sustainable Markets
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Discussants: Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management; Prem Sikka, Essex Business School; Paul Williams, NC State University; Thomas Clarke, University of Technology Sydney
Session Organizer: Guler Aras, Yildiz Technical University
Moderator: Guler Aras, Yildiz Technical University

Financial Actors and Institutions (IV): Regulating Capital Markets
P: Accounting, Economics, and Law

Session Organizers: Yuri Biondi, CNRS - ESCP Europe; Reuven Avi-Yonah, University of Michigan; Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management
Moderator: Konstantinos Sergakis, University of Bristol

Do Financial Markets React to Regulatory Sanctions? Evidence from France
Thierry Kirat, IRISSO / CNRS - University PARIS DAUPHINE; Amir Rezaee, Associate Professsor

Inequalities and welfare II
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Session Organizers: Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University; Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt

Time and Risk Preference in Japan
Markus Heckel, Goethe University; Na Zou, Goethe University
Measuring Unfair Inequality: The Case of Japan
Sayaka Sakoda, Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS

Work, Labor Markets, and Migration I
Q: Asian Capitalisms

Session Organizers: Boy C Luethje, Sun Yat-sen University; Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS; Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt; Tobias ten Brink, University of Frankfurt


Multiple Currencies B
Domesticizing Financial Economies, Part 2

Discussant: Mariana Luzzi, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
Session Organizers: JosÃÂÂÂà OssandÃÂÂÃ, Copenhagen Business School; Jeanne Lazarus, Sciences Po; Mariana Luzzi, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Joe Deville, Centre for the Study of Invention and Social Process

Sardex, from Parallel Currency to Institution. a Micro-Macro Case Study
Laura Sartori, University of Bologna; Paolo Dini, LSE
The Circulation and Transformation of Value in Transborder Currencies
Magdalena Villarreal, CIESAS; Lya Margarita Niño, UABC; Joshua Cullen Greene, WAU

Employer Collective Action Across the World
Employers’ Organizations, Business Interest Representation, and Employer Collective Action

Discussant: Leon Gooberman, Cardiff University
Session Organizers: Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University; Edmund Heery, Cardiff University; Leon Gooberman, Cardiff University

Employers in Quebec: What Logic of Action at the Sectoral Level?
Melanie Laroche, Université de Montréal; Jean Charest, Université de Montréal
Continuity and Changes in Employers' Views of French Joint Regulation
Catherine Vincent, IRES; Michèle Tallard, CNRS-IRISSO

Youth Voice II: Representation Beyond the Workplace
Inequalities in Youth Labor Transitions

Session Organizers: Andy Hodder, University of Birmingham; Lefteris Kretsos, University of Greenwich

Polish Parliament and Youth Labor Transitions: Explaining the Dynamics of Lawmaking in the Sejm
Kamil Marcinkiewicz, Carl von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg

Panel Debate “Drivers, Impacts and Policies of Inequality”
Inequality: Drivers, Impacts, and Policies

Book Authors: Ive Marx, University of Antwerp; Brian Nolan, INET, University of Oxford; Daniele Checchi, University of Milan; Herman van de Werfhorst, University of Amsterdam
Session Organizers: Wiemer Salverda, University of Amsterdam; Abigail McKnight, LSE

3 - Regime Shopping or Embeddedness
Multinational Firms: Labor, Management, and Society

Session Organizers: Phil Almond, De Montfort University; Gregor Murray, Université de Montréal; Tony Edwards, Kings College London

The Foxconn Employment System
Jan Drahokoupil, European Trade Union Institute
Industrial Relations Practices Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon Companies – the Perspective of Danish Shop Stewards
Trine Pernille Larsen, University of Copenhagen; Steen Erik Navrbjerg, University of Copenhagen

Regulatory Intermediaries 5
Regulatory Intermediaries: Bringing together Domestic and Transnational Regulation

Session Organizers: David Levi-Faur, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Kenneth Abbott, Arizona State University; Duncan Snidal, Nuffield College

What Have We Learned
David Levi-Faur, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Kenneth Abbott, Arizona State University; Duncan Snidal, Nuffield College

The Organizational Production of Earnings Inequalities: A Comparative Project Using Leep Data
Scrutinizing Organizational Inequalities: New Theoretical and Empirical Approaches

Discussants: Nina Bandelj, University of California, Irvine; Andrew Penner, University of California; Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts; Dustin Avent-Holt, Augusta State University
Session Organizer: Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts

This Session Is a Panel Discussion, It Does Not Include Papers
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts

Group 4 - Social Coalitions, Political and Economic Crises, and Diversity of Capitalism
Social Coalitions, Political and Economic Crises, and Diversity of Capitalism

Discussant: Thibault Darcillon, University of Paris 7
Session Organizers: Bruno Amable, Université Paris I Panthéon - Sorbonne; Hideko Magara, Waseda University
Moderator: Hiroshi Shiratori, Hosei University

European Growth Models and Working Class Restructuring
Engelbert Stockhammer, Kingston University

Rethinking the Foundational Economy
The Foundational Economy

Session Organizer: Julie Froud, University of Manchester

Mapping the Foundational Economy in Austria – Size, Spatial Distribution and Sources of Finance
Leonhard Plank, Vienna University of Technology, Department of Spatial Planning, Centre of Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy; Wolfgang Blaas, Vienna University of Technology, Department of Spatial Planning, Centre of Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy
Grounded Firms (not inward investment)
Rachel Bowen, Federation of Small Business Wales; Lucy Brill, University of Manchester; Karel Williams, N/A
The Harmlessness of Voluntary Simplicity
Onofrio Romano, University of Bari "A. Moro"

The Electoral and Partisan Politics of Inequality
The Politics of Egalitarian Policy

Discussant: Elvire Guillaud, University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne (CES)
Session Organizer: Lucy Barnes, N/A
Moderator: Marius Busemeyer, University of Konstanz

Common Shocks, Divergent Consequences: The Political Economy of Housing Bubbles
Aidan Regan, School of Politics, University College Dublin
Gridlock: Income Inequality and Party Infighting
David Barrett, Trinity College Dublin; Liam Kneafsey, Trinity College Dublin

5:45 PM-6:45 PM

Featured Panel - Does Capitalism Have a Future?
Featured Panels & Speakers

Discussants: Craig Calhoun, LSE; Amitai Etzioni, GW University; Wolfgang Streeck, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies; Polly Toynbee, The Guardian
Session Organizers: Glenn Morgan, Cardiff University; David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Amitai Etzioni, GW University

6:45 PM-7:15 PM

SASE Awards Ceremony
Special Events

Discussant: Glenn Morgan, Cardiff University
Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics

7:15 PM-9:00 PM

SASE Gala Reception
Special Events

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics

Saturday, 4 July 2015

8:30 AM-10:00 AM

Investigaciones y Reflexiones Críticas Sobre Empoderamiento De Las Comunidades I (Session in Spanish)
A: Communitarian Ideals and Civil Society

Session Organizer: José A. Ruiz San Roman, Universidad Complutense Madrid

Individual Social Capital Inequality: Puting to the Test Lin's Model in the Spanish Case.
José Atilano Pena López, University of A Coruña; José Manuel Sánchez Santos, University of A Coruña
National Policy of Support of Clusters in Brazil – the Case of the Region of Integrated Development of Federal District and Surrounding Areas
Violeta de Faria Pereira, University of Brasilia; Claudia Andreoli Galvao, UNIVERSITY OF BRASILIA

The Internationalization of Pharmaceutical Production in the Developing World
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizers: Nitsan Chorev, Brown University; Kenneth Shadlen, London School of Economics

The Transformation of the India Pharmaceutical Industry: Whither Africa's Supply?
Kenneth Shadlen, London School of Economics; Chirantan Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Management-Bangalore

Roots of American Inequality
B: Globalization and Socio-Economic Development

Session Organizers: Caroline Arnold, Brooklyn College; Richard Doner, Emory University; Douglas B Fuller, Zhejiang University

Globalization and Increasing Inequality of Poverty in United States over the Past Decade
Ashish Singh, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Inequality, Financialization and the US Current Account Deficit
Maria N Ivanova, Goldsmiths, University of London

C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, University of Quebec-Teluq

Trends in Job Satisfaction
Shivani Taneja, University of Essex
The Future of Family Farms in Switzerland: Perceptions of Risks and Chances
Christine Jurt, Agroscope; Stefan Mann, Agroscope
Social Vulnerability Index By Gender to Climate Change
Abraham Granados, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Gender (In)Equality in the Polish Working Class. Analysis of Everyday Practices.
Dorota Olko, University of Warsaw; Institute of Sociology
Reconsidered Gender Inequalities in an Era of Growing Education
Barbara Barabaschi, Catholic University, Department of Economic and Social Sciences; Chiara Mussida, Catholic University, Department of Economic and Social Sciences

Labour Market Issues, Work-Family Policies and Gender Part 1
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, University of Quebec-Teluq

Determinants of a Silent (R)Evolution: Understanding the Expansion of Family Policy in Rich OECD Countries
Emanuele Ferragina, Sciences Po; Martin Seeleib-Kaiser, University of Oxford
Family Policy and Maternal Employment in the Czech Transition: A Natural Experiment
Alzbeta Mullerova, EconomiX, University of Paris West - Nanterre la Defense

Care Work and Housework Part 1
C: Gender, Work and Family

Session Organizers: Bernard Fusulier, Université catholique de Louvain; Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, University of Quebec-Teluq

“We Must Help Them As Much As We Can”: Grandparents Care Work in a Neo Liberal Era
Nitza Berkovitch, Ben Gurion University; Shlomit Manor, Western Galilee College
How Do Inequalities in the Distribution of Housework Influence the Quality of Family Relations?
Pablo Garcia-Ruiz, Universidad de Zaragoza; Pau Mari-Klose, Universidad de Zaragoza; Marga Mari-Klose, Universidad de Barcelona
Informal Caregiving for the Elderly in Europe. How Much Do Work and Culture Matter?
Fernanda Mazzotta, UNIVERSITY OF SALERNO; DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS; Francesca Bettio, University of Siena; Valentina Zigante, PSSRU

Globalisation, Professions and Professional Service Firms
D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

Session Organizers: Didier Demazière, Sciences Po; James Faulconbridge, Lancaster University; Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Business School; Sigrid Quack, Lancaster University

The Market for International Organization
Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Business School
Transnational Professional Service Firms and Institutional Change: The Case of the Milan Financial and Professional Service Sub-Field
James Faulconbridge, Lancaster University; Daniel Muzio, Newcastle University Business School
The Professions, Globalisation and Imperialism
Mehdi Boussebaa, University of Bath

Precarious Employment and Work Intensification
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

Lives in Suspense – the Realities and Hopes of Posted Workers in the
Jens Arnholtz, FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen; Astrid Stampe Knippel, FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen

Rethinking Production, Labor, and Innovation
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

Experimental Institution Building: The Transnational Multi-Actor Governance Response to the Rana Plaza Disaster
Jimmy Donaghey, University of Warwick; Juliane Reinecke, University of Warwick

Atypical Work and Precarity
E: Industrial Relations and the Political Economy

Session Organizers: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex

Lifting the Floor Rights of Atypical Workers – the Role of Social Partners and Sectoral Bargaining
Trine Pernille Larsen, University of Copenhagen; Mikkel Mailand, University of Copenhagen

Dilemmas of Creativity, Innovation, and Boundary-Spanning in Creative Fields
F: Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation

Session Organizers: Matthew R. Keller, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University; Matthew Allen, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester

Cooking Under Fire: Managing Paradoxes of Creativity and Innovation in Haute Cuisine
Christel Lane, University of Cambridge; Daniela Lup, LSE

The Making of Cross-Border Labour Markets: Transnational Actors, Institutions and Inequalities
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: Karen Shire, University Duisburg-Essen

Cross-Border Labour Market-Making in Germany and the Netherlands: Brokering Mobility to Evade Protections?
Hannelore Mottweiler, University Duisburg-Essen; Markus Tuente, University of Duisburg-Essen

Skills and Economic Transition
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Bethania Antunes, University of Greenwich - Work and Employment Research Unit (WERU)

Workforce Problems in Hotel Industry of Georgia
Kakhaber Cheishvili, Tbilisi State University
Work in Later Adulthood in Mexico
Isalia Nava-Bolaños, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas (IIEc), UNAM

Value Chains and Employment
G: Labor Markets, Education, and Human Resources

Session Organizer: David Marsden, London School of Economics
Moderator: Elisa Pannini, London School of Economics and Political Science

Vanishing Value Chains and the Decline of Industrial Districts: The Case of the Brazilian Automotive Industry
Geoffrey Wood, Warwick University; Pauline Dibben, University of Sheffield; Caroline Linhares, University of Sheffield; Juliane Meira, University of Sheffield
Determinants of Subsidiary Roles of Foreign-Owned Firms in Japan and Human Resource Management Practices
Shinji Hasegawa, Waseda University; Rei Hasegawa, Daito Bunka University
Longing for Equality in Brazil: A Brief Assessment from Occupational Structure, Demographics and Inequality Trends
Paulo Sérgio Fracalanza, Institute of Economics, State University of Campinas - UNICAMP; Rosana Icassatti Corazza, Department of Science and Technology Policy, Institute of Geosciences, State University of Campinas - UNICAMP

Institutional Logics and Discourse
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University

Blending in the Iron Cage: The Integration of Social and Economic Discourse in U.S. Firms, 1960-2010
Christof Brandtner, Stanford University; Patricia Bromley, University of Utah

Defining Patient Capital
H: Markets, Firms and Institutions

Discussant: Michel Goyer, University of Birmingham
Session Organizers: Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London; Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University

What Is Patient Capital and Who Supplies It?
Richard Deeg, Temple University; Iain Hardie, University of Edinburgh
What Is ‘Patient Capital' for Financial and Non-Financial Actors?
Tristan Auvray, University of Paris 13; Thomas Dallery, Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale - CLERSE; Sandra Rigot, university Paris North

Transnational Governance: Integration and Coherence
L: Regulation and Governance

Discussant: Sigrid Quack, MPIFG
Session Organizers: John W Cioffi, University of California, Riverside; Frans van Waarden, UniversityCollege, Utrecht University; Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam

Creating Private Institutions for "Good" Global Governance
Philip Schleifer, European University Institute

Corporate Governance after the Global Financial Crisis: Issues and Perspectives
L: Regulation and Governance

Discussant: John W Cioffi, University of California, Riverside
Session Organizers: John W Cioffi, University of California, Riverside; Frans van Waarden, UniversityCollege, Utrecht University; Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam


Instituciones Del Mercado De Trabajo y Crisis En La UE
M: Spanish Language

Session Organizers: Julimar da Silva, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Santos Miguel Ruesga Benito, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Moderator: Julimar Bichara, UAM

Collective Bargaining Reforms in Southern Europe during the Crisis
Miguel A Malo, Universidad de Salamanca; Johanna K Silvander, International Labour Organization
El Procedimiento De Inaplicacion De Convenios Colectivos En El Derecho Espanol
Natividad Mendoza, Universidad de Castilla- La Mancha; Maria Isabel Bonilla Delgado, Universidad de Castilla- La Mancha
Competencia Sindical y Efectos Sobre La Conflictividad Laboral En La Negociación Colectiva. El Caso De España.
Santos Miguel Ruesga Benito, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Manuel Perez Trujillo, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Eurozone Crisis
N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University

Critical Realism, Debt Markets and the Eurozone: Action, Structure and Experience in Greece
Akrivi Andreou, Medbest SA; Andreas Andrikopoulos, University of the Aegean; Christos Nastopoulos, Alpha Bank
Common Currencies, Disparate Solidarities: The Crisis of the Eurozone in Comparative Perspective
Pierre-Christian Fink, Columbia University; Josh Whitford, Columbia University

Inequalities I
N: Finance and Society

Discussant: Dean Curran, University of Calgary
Session Organizers: Akos Rona-Tas, UC San Diego; Alya Guseva, Boston University; Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University


Gvcs in Europe: New Patterns of Internationalization
O: Global Value Chains

Session Organizers: Gary Gereffi, Duke University; Mari Sako, University of Oxford; Timothy Sturgeon, MIT; Eric Thun, University of Oxford
Moderator: Roberta Rabellotti, Universitá di Pavia
