Youth on the Move: Migration and Mobility
Youth on the Move: Migration and Mobility
Session Organizers:
Janine Leschke
Christer Hyggen
Jacqueline A O'Reilly
Thursday, 2 July 2015: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
TW2.1.01 (Tower Two)
We invite papers analysing youth labour migration and its impacts for receiving and sending countries within the EU, as well as the movement of young workers from the global south to the EU area. Contributors could focus on working and living conditions of migrant workers and returnees and the role of policies and institutions for integrating and excluding young migrants (e.g. social security systems, labour market regulation and migration policies), as well as actors, including labour market intermediaries, trade unions and employers, in shaping migration patterns and labour market outcomes of migrant youth.
See more of: Inequalities in Youth Labor Transitions