Teleworking As a Measure of Work-Life Balance and a Factor of Quality at the University of Padua
The procedure can be essentially described as follows:
- workers were trained to use the equipment (graphic terminal) and to have a distance work culture by a blended course. A platform for the inclusion of material and continuous monitoring was implemented;
- each worker drew up a draft about the activities she could have carried out in teleworking. Times have been adjusted and negotiated with the manager in order to meet her needs and taking into account the needs of the service in which she worked. In addition, all her colleagues (men and women) were informed and involved about the project;
- some sheets of self-evaluation and evaluation of the activities were provided. They had to be completed every week or every month, depending on the type of work performed. The evaluation was structured using objectives.
The implementation of an alternating TL (60% TL hours) has pointed out positive aspects and controlled risks: the 20 voluntary workers were satisfied and the TL impact on the working organization has permitted significant rearrangement in order to improve the whole organization.
We’ll present the methodologies and the results of the test 2012-13 which allowed the systematic beginning of TL as a structural element of the University of Padua in AY 2014-15 mainly through:
- the implementation of a clear and complete procedure;
- the implementation of some activities of technological orientation and blended learning;
- the arrangement of a permanent technological support;
- the continuous widespread of knowledge and awareness about TL for all academic staff.