A Bridge Employment for All? Looking at Retired Health-Care Workers of the Province of Quebec

Thursday, 2 July 2015: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
TW1.2.03 (Tower One)
Marie-Eve Dufour, Laval University, Quebec, QC, Canada
Tania Saba, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada
With the retirement of the first generations of Baby boomers, additional pressure is applied on the various established pension plans, the labour market and the economy in general. As many industrialized countries, Canada plans to gradually delay the age of eligibility to the public retirement plans to 67, starting in 2023. Consequently, facing the aging workforce, many studies are dedicated to public policies and human resources challenges and practices aimed at older workers retention (i.e. Saba 2014). In parallel, bridge employment is growing in popularity, defining new life courses. In the province of Quebec, recent surveys while revealing a positive perception of retirement, also anticipate a financially based consideration for wealthy workers to undertake bridge employment (i.e. Baghai et al., 2012). Based on life-course theory, our research is looking at factors influencing work activities after retirement. Based on a survey of 3500 retired health-care workers of the province of Quebec of witch 34.9% are holding a bridge employment, the results of our empirical study contribute to the comprehension of end of career life courses, their impacts on organizations, while raising reflexions on public policies.

 Baghai, P., Dufétel, C., Généreux, C., & Morin, F. (2012). Les Canadiens sont-ils prêts pour la retraite?. McKinsey & Company.

 Saba, T. (2014). «Promoting Active Aging: The Canadian Experience of Bridge Employment». In Alcover, C.M., Topa Cantisano, G., Depolo, M., Fraccaroli, F. & Parry, E. (Eds). Research Handbook in Bridge Employment, London: Routledge, p. 216-235.