The social and economic condition of tribal migrant women domestic workers in Mumbai: Understanding the inequalities

Thursday, 2 July 2015: 2:15 PM-3:45 PM
TW1.2.04 (Tower One)
Sunita Kumari, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India
Abhishek Thakur, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Focusing on female migrant domestic workers from Jharkhand, India this paper looks at their life before and after migration. The low human index states like Jharkhand have seen migration and mobility of people to metropolis like Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. Especially, the female migration has geared up since last few years. Girls coming from the marginalised community such as Adivasis or Scheduled Tribe, Scheduled Caste migrate through different means and organizations like placement agencies, religious institutions such as church, with the help of group of friends or relatives and so forth. Most of them due to low educational attainment get into the unorganized sector jobs such as domestic work. Today, domestic workers make up a large portion of the workforce, especially in developing countries, and their number has been increasing – even in the industrialized world, (ILO, 2010: 99th session :1) . The lack of social security measures for the women domestic workers continues to be a major challenge and create a major distress among them.