Overcoming Institutional and Governance Problems within Fast Fashion? the Prospects of Emerging Forms of Monitoring Social Standards in the UK Garment Value Chain
After years of off-shoring the UK apparel industry has seen renewed growth in the context of Fast Fashion and the attraction of Buying British. The UK garment supply chain is highly fragmented and operates with a detailed functional division of labour, small firm sizes, and a labour market characterised by the particular vulnerabilities of immigrant communities. In order to understand this transformation, however, it is important to investigate not only the way this phenomenon sits within global value chain dynamics but also how it is embedded in local institutions and, in particular, local labour market dynamics. Beyond widespread violations of work and employment standards, two social practices stand out in particular: a specific fiddle around the composition of wages, on the one hand, the collusion of manufacturers around unauthorised subcontracting, on the other. An analysis of these phenomena, it is argued, needs to take into account how, both, the functional division of labour as well as specific institutional factors shape the mentioned practices.
The same approach is required in the analysis of emergent responses to the widespread violations of social standards. Broadly, lead firms are adopting one of two approaches: either to work in partnership with trade unions in developing a more rigorous and worker-inclusive form of monitoring, or to tighten compliance-based practices through a specifically tailored form of forensic auditing. This paper has two purposes: first, it aims to show how the restructuring of GVCs is dependent on local institutional contexts, arguably institutional failures in this context, consisting of omnipresent monitoring practices at the same time as private as well as public enforcement mechanisms are failing. Second, this analysis of the institutional context provides a basis to evaluate the prospects of two emerging opposite monitoring strategies of commitment vs. compliance.