Work in Later Adulthood in Mexico

Saturday, 4 July 2015: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
CLM.4.02 (Clement House)
Isalia Nava-Bolaños, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas (IIEc), UNAM, Mexico, Mexico; Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas (IIEc), UNAM, Mexico, Mexico
In the analysis of the economic status of the aged population, job and economic activity are relevant since only a few enjoy a retirement pension, albeit mostly of a meager amount. The 2010 Census of Population and Housing shows that three out of ten people 60 and over were working. This paper identifies and analyzes determinants of job participation using a logistic regression on the probability of employment. Because of heterogeneity an analysis by sex and age groups was done. The most important factor lowering the probability of work is income from a pension for both men and women. The absence of disability increases the likelihood of men working, while for women the main effect is from heading a household.