Socioeconomics of Labour: Four Steps of the Reconciliation of the Labor Process and Labour Market in Modern Russia
Socioeconomics of Labour: Four Steps of the Reconciliation of the Labor Process and Labour Market in Modern Russia
Saturday, June 25, 2016: 10:45 AM-12:15 PM
263 Dwinelle (Dwinelle Hall)
The market serves as the main “mainstream” object in sphere of the labour. On the other handThe radical approach results from labor process analysis. Socioeconomics of labour in the broad sense of the word deals both with the market of the labour, and labor process. The traditional form of their relationship is based on institutions: they underlie the labour market structure and promote labour mobility. Opposite approach stems from priority of the evolution of the labor process and education: inconsistent dynamics of four evolutionary distinctive features (path dependence, irreversibility, indivisibility and invisibility) reflect all significant socioeconomic consequences at turbulent periods for labour market and education.