D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

Friday, June 24, 2016

2:30 PM-4:00 PM

Professions and Politics
D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

Moderator: Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Business School

Balancing Risk and Responsibility: How Lawyers ‘Do' Anti-Money Laundering
Karin S Helgesson, Stockholm School of Economics; Ulrika Mörth, Stockholm University
Becoming Ambassador: Patterns of Status and Geography in the Trajectories of Career Diplomats
Lasse Folke Henriksen, Copenhagen Business School; Stefan Andrade, The Danish National Centre for Social Research

Saturday, June 25, 2016

9:00 AM-10:30 AM

Contemporary Professional Work and Education
D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

Moderator: Elizabeth H. Gorman, Sociology, University of Virginia

Rhetorical Strategies and Resilience in Organizational Fields
Leonard Seabrooke; Duncan Wigan, Copenhagen Business School; Richard Murphy, City University of London
Digitalisation and Professionalism
Esther Ruiz Ben, Technische Universitaet Berlin
Beyond Morality? Neoliberal Policies in Higher Education and Agency of Young Academics
Natalia Karmaeva, National Research University - Higher School of Economics

10:45 AM-12:15 PM

Author Meets Critics: "Professional Networks in Transnational Governance"
D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

Book Authors: Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Business School; Lasse Folke Henriksen, Copenhagen Business School; Brooke Harrington, Copenhagen Business School; Duncan Wigan, Copenhagen Business School
Critics: Simone Polillo, University of Virginia; Alexander Kentikelenis, University of Oxford
Moderator: Simone Polillo, University of Virginia

4:15 PM-5:45 PM

Health & Development Professionals
D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

Moderator: Eleni Tsingou, Copenhagen Business School

The Domestic Agenda of the New "Global Health" Curriculum
Tine Hanrieder, WZB Berlin Social Science Center

Management and Control in the Professions
D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

Moderator: Christine Musselin, Sciences Po - CNRS

How the Iron Cage Evolves: From Accounting to Accountability As the Content of Rationalization
Christof Brandtner, Stanford University; Aaron Horvath, Stanford University; Woody Powell, Stanford University

Sunday, June 26, 2016

9:00 AM-10:30 AM

Author Meets Critics: "The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms"
D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

Book Authors: Glenn Morgan, University of Bristol; Joe Broschak, University of Arizona; Mari Sako, University of Oxford
Critics: Leonard Seabrooke, Copenhagen Business School; Fiona Kay, Queen's University
Moderator: Elizabeth H. Gorman, Sociology, University of Virginia

10:45 AM-12:15 PM

Professions, Economics and Markets
D: Professions and Professionals in a Globalizing World

Moderator: Lasse Folke Henriksen, Copenhagen Business School

Markets and Intermediation: The Case of Horse Racing Economy
Carole Botton, École Supérieure de Commerce de Pau
Neoliberal Grandfathers and the Success of Their Progeny: A Genealogical Analysis of Economists' Professional Networks
Kevin Young, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Lasse Folke Henriksen, Copenhagen Business School; Leonard Seabrooke
The Transformation of the Engineer Profession in the Global and Finantial Capitalism
Julio Cesar Donadone, Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar; Thais joi Martins, UFRB