Location, Institutions and Relationships

Robert Eberhart
Sunday, June 26, 2016: 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
219 Dwinelle (Dwinelle Hall)
Location, Institutions and Relationships
Location and Jobs Creation: Do Institutions Matter? an Empirical Analysis on 2004-2010 France
Nadine Levratto, EconomiX-CNRS, university of Paris Ouest Nanterre; Aziza Garsaa, EconomiX-University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Relational Governance and Modularity of Japanese Automotive Industry: Effects and Dynamic of Strategic Action FIELD
Paulo Cesar Matui, Federal University os São Carlos; Mario Sacomano Neto, Federal University of Sao Carlos - UFSCar
Firm Experience and Interdependent Behavior in Plant Location Choice: Entry of Japanese Auto Parts Suppliers into China
Hideyuki Takenouchi, Sophia University; Kazuyo Ando, Chiba Univerisity of Commerce; Reiko Takenouchi, University of Yamanashi