The Relationship Between Democracy and Development in the Context of Globalization in the Current Crisis

Friday, June 24, 2016: 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
402 Barrows (Barrows Hall)
Rolando Cordera Campos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
The crisis of globalization has given renewed topicality to the idea of development as a complex process involving social and institutional changes as well as a variety of democratic learning processes. Placed at the margin of the international academic and political debate, the political economy of development can come back into its own if academics and politicians responsible for the economy are forced to think for the long term. The political economy of development needs to be twinned with politics so that what we understand by the general interest can be reconfigured in pursuit of freedom, justice and democracy. These can be the keys to turning globalization, whose essence is openness and interdependence, into an active agent in the development of national density, something that is indispensable if we are to think critically about reality and, as Prebisch taught and practised, set history on a future-creating course.

I think the experience of Mexico is a pioneer experience globalization or advanced by way of market reforms that led to stifle growth to chart a new path under the covered until the seventies of the twentieth century that involved both progressively relegated social justice purposes forged in the heat of the Revolution and affirmed as national and historical purposes in the thirties and particularly during the administration of President Cardenas. One result of this neglect or subordination of these objectives that emanate from the globalist creed has been the abandonment of any reference to ethics as part of the development project and the confinement of the moral economy practices or marginal survival large social groups that form the basis of modern and globalized society. This in turn has brought a sort of fracture not only in terms of distribution, but the cohesion of society. The "moral economy" which postulated the post revolutionary state through his speech of social justice with democracy as the basis for the modernization and development of the country went to the file and it is one of the main challenges for the continuity of representative democracy and Registration for profitable own country in globalization that can be reconstituted in the post crisis.