Has Shifting End Markets Lost Its Steam? the Dynamics of International Manufacturing Trade in Post-Crisis Global Value Chains
In the last few years, however, many emerging economies have found their economic growth slowing down, leading some observers to warn a looming economic crisis in some emerging economies. Recently, China ended its 25-year streak of economic growth higher than 7% as it posted a 6.9% GDP growth rate in 2015. In the meantime, some developed economies have been bouncing back from the crisis. This change raises the question to GVC scholars whether the trend of shifting end markets still continues despite the recent troubles in emerging economies, or it has been moderated or even reversed because of them. To answer the questions, this paper examines the dynamics of international manufacturing trade with focus on shifting end markets in GVCs. Using the UN Comtrade dataset, it analyzes trade patterns and their changes in 2005-2013, the period intermitted by the global economic crisis, in three key manufacturing sectors widely studied by GVC scholars – textile and apparel, automobile, and electronics. The paper discusses findings from the analysis in terms of sectoral variations in the end market shift as well as differences among developing countries in the degree of their participation in South-South trade.