Transparency and Financial Regulation in the Age of Terror
All of a sudden a new language of risk and prevention was being utilized to justify a new set of global financial regulations headed up by international organizations such as the United Nations, The Financial Action Task Force, the IMF/World Bank, and the Egmont Group. However, while western officials and international organizations were using the language and discourse of risk and security to justify the implementation of these new global regulatory regimes, an underlying conversation about the morality, transparency and 'legitimacy' of certain types of financial systems and economies started to emerge.
This paper utilizes both in-depth interviews with experts from the transnational regulatory bodies previously mentioned, as well as a content analysis of official publicly available policy reports, and classified documents released by Wikileaks. By focusing on hawala systems, and the attempts by western governments to regulate them, due to supposed concerns that these informal economies were conduits for terrorist financing, this paper argues that while the post 9/11 narrative promoted by western officials and international organizations was about risk and security, the underlying objectives focused more on questions of illegitimacy and transparency surrounding these informal economies. And by using the language of security and risk, Western governments and organizations were finally able to impose desired regulations in order to formalize the previously illegible systems of finance that were deemed to be illegitimate.